Page 44 of Free Fire Zone

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“It’s fucking stupid. You’re trained to use a gun.”

“Yes, but when that gun is taken away, you must adapt.”

“Yeah, ask Johnny how he feels about that,” I huffed, walking away.

I thought maybe I would try to avoid Laura and join the other cleanup crews, but then she turned around and saw me. I couldn’t ignore her now. I had no choice but to walk over and say hi. Which really grated on me becauseAndrewwas there.

“Hey!” she beamed, walking up to me and wrapping me in a hug. God, she smelled great. I buried my nose in her hair and inhaled the scent of vanilla. I never especially cared for scented shampoo and lotion, but on her, it made my heart beat a little faster. “What are you doing here?”

“Just came to help out.” There. That was normal. I could do this.

“That’s so great of you, especially after you rescued us from eternal damnation in my basement. I’m not sure Lee’s forgiven you yet.”

“Yeah, about that. Is she suicidal or just…”

“I wouldn’t say suicidal. She just tends to have a very bleak outlook on life.”

“Rough childhood?” I nodded in understanding.

“Actually, her parents are happily married and she grew up with a nice house and everything a kid could want. I stopped trying to figure it out a long time ago.”

“You know, they have a word for people like that.” I leaned in and whispered conspiratorially. “Serial killers.”

She laughed, smacking me in the chest. Just that one brief moment where her hand touched my chest was enough to send happy thoughts rushing through my head. It made me dizzy, throwing me off balance for a moment.

“She’s not a serial killer. Not even close.”

“We’ll see,” I shrugged. “But if we’re ever alone with her again, I expect you to protect me.”

“With my life,” she promised. “I’ll even kiss your boo boos if she gets you.”

Now I wanted to get injured just to see her in a nurse’s uniform, hovering over my bed as she took my temperature. Too many feelings rushed through my body, making it impossible to fight the urge I had to reach out and touch her. But just as I was about to sling my arm around her neck and pull her against me, the roughneck showed up, stepping on my chances.

“Hey! Dash, right?”

“Andrew,” I bit out. The name tasted bitter in my mouth, but I resisted the urge to vomit on his shoes. Somehow, that seemed a little childish.

“I was just telling Laura to leave the hard stuff to the men. I don’t like the idea of her going in the house.”

I had to agree with him there. “Not a chance in hell. Even if they cleared it, one wrong move and you’re back in the basement. Only this time, you might not be so lucky.”

“I think I can walk upstairs on my own. That part of the house is fine.”

“The front door is missing,” I pointed out. “And the stairs were just beyond that, right?”

“What’s your point?”

I scoffed, shaking my head in disbelief.

“I know. Tell me about it,” Andrew said. “Can you believe how reckless she is?”

Laura gaped at him, thrusting her hands on her hips. “How is it reckless for me, but not for you?”

“Because I’m a man.”

I winced. Even I knew that was the wrong attitude to take with a woman. Besides, from what I knew of Laura, she didn’t like the man always taking the lead.

“So, what you’re saying is that if I grow a penis, I can enter the house.”
