Page 61 of Free Fire Zone

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“You’re an asshole.”

“Says the man who was creeping out of his own room so he wouldn’t have to face the woman he’s in love with.”

“Notin love with,” I snapped. “Liking her is not the same as love.”

“No, but it sure is funny that you’re going to all this trouble for a girl you like when you haven’t spent more than two nights with a woman since I’ve known you.”

“Oh, and you’re so much different?” I shot back.

“Hey, I tried to get Miranda, but she’s flaking on me all because we got interrupted twice.”

“Maybe next time you shouldn’t open the door.”

“Maybe next time you shouldn’t offer to take the woman you’re falling for into your house when you know there’s not a chance of making a move right now.”


“Whatever. I’m going to work.”

“To escape her,” he shouted as I headed for the door. “You might want to put your clothes on before you leave!”

I had my hand on the doorknob and swore under my breath, dropping my shit to the ground. I quickly dressed, then grabbed my shoes and slid them on, not even bothering to tie them first. The goal was to get out of here as quickly as possible, even if that meant I had to walk to work.

Speaking of which, I had to call Duke and find out how long it would take to fix my truck. I was feeling a little lost without any mode of transportation besides the work minivans.

I was only a quarter of a mile down the road leading to the main building when Scottie slowed beside me, rolling down his window.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“Walking. What does it look like?”

“It looks like you’re escaping. Why didn’t you wait for Brock? Did you two have a fight?” He grinned, then dropped his face into a frown and batted his eyelashes at me.

I flipped him off and kept walking. I wasn’t in the mood for his antics this morning, and it was for lack of sleep. In fact, I probably slept better with Laura at my side than any other time in my life.

“Just get in the fucking truck,” he called out, coming to a stop.

I could keep walking, but that was just nonsense. I hauled myself in his truck, slamming the door in anger.

“What’s up your ass today?”

“Nothing,” I mumbled, staring out the window.

“Uh-oh. I sense girl problems. This wouldn’t by chance have anything to do with the insanely hot woman you rescued in the shower curtain, would it?”

Everyone knew about that. I was going to be teased relentlessly for the next six months unless I could throw the attention onto someone else. “Maybe.”

“What happened? Did she not put out?”

“She’s not interested.”

“How is that even possible?” he chuckled. “What did you do?”

“Nothing,” I grumbled. “She gave me the sign.”

He nodded, then frowned. “And what sign is that?”

“She punched my shoulder. You know, like she was thanking me.”
