Page 78 of Free Fire Zone

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Juliette glanced at Anna and a strange look passed between them. “Yeah, totally.”

“What are the chances that both of you gave up your careers and now are with construction workers? That’s kind of crazy.”

“You know, you should come shopping with us,” Juliette said, linking her arm through mine. “We’ll tell you all about them.”

Normally, I wasn’t one to shop with other women, but these ladies seemed so nice—and I really wanted to know more about Dash.

“No!”I gasped, slamming my hand down on the table.

We never made it to the shopping portion of the day. Anna and Juliette convinced me to go for lunch, and from there, they plied me with stories of Dash and other men who worked for the construction company.

“Yes!” Anna laughed, pressing her hand to her chest as tears slid down her cheeks. “I have the video!”

“I need to see this,” I laughed, still trying to imagine two men dancing the tango together. “I just don’t understand what possessed them to start dancing in the middle of a job!!”

They shared a look as they continued to laugh. I noticed they did that a lot, passing some secret between the two of them. I was starting to think I was in the middle of some kind of prank, but these two were way too real for this to be fake.

“I don’t know. Fox has always been a little eccentric.”

“Does it bother you that he dances with men?” I laughed.

“Not at all. I’m completely confident in his manhood. But I am a little worried about him. Lately, he’s decided to give up…um…show tunes. And he even said he doesn’t like using his…nail gun at work.”

“And that’s a problem?” I asked curiously.

“In construction, it is,” Juliette snorted, taking a sip of her sweet tea.

“Wow, I had no idea a nail gun was so vital.”

“But it’s not just that,” Anna continued. “He’s started meditating and he makes me drink these nasty kale smoothies.”

Juliette grimaced. “That’s so disgusting. Lock tried to do the same thing to me when he was pro—um…staying with me during the photo shoot.”

“How did you meet him?” I asked curiously.

Again, a subtle look passed between them. “Um…he was actually doing construction on my apartment.”

“Really? But didn’t you live in New York?”

“It was a long-distance job,” she answered, but her cheeks flushed red. “And he was so sexy that I decided he should work with me on my campaign. It was calledTemptation.” Her lips perked up in a smile as she got lost in thoughts.

“I’m guessing it went well.”

“Let’s just say there were a few times we almost had sex in front of Emilio.”

I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand. “On purpose?”

“No! It was just…passionate. He brought something out in me and…you’d understand if you saw him. That man could tear my panties off with just a look.”

“And you gave it all up for him?” I asked, my voice doing that lilting wonderment thing at the thought of a man inspiring so much passion in a woman.

“Well, I couldn’t take him away from his work.”

“Can’t he do construction anywhere?”

“Right. Yes, he can,” she nodded. “But…he really loves the guys he works with. They’re a team and…it’s a strong bond construction workers share.”

“Really? I had no idea.”
