Page 70 of Razor

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I’m in so much shock I can barely get my words out. “Dad, what are you doing here?”

His gaze cuts through me like a knife, his words unspoken but painfully clear.

How the fuck did he know where I was?

Did my aunt tell him?

His nostrils continue to flare, “Checking on you, since you decided to leave without saying a fucking thing.”

Okay, that’s a lie. “I told you I was leaving and I’ve kept in contact with you. What more do you need?” I can’t hide the aggravation in my tone.

The veins in my father's neck stand out, pulsing with his barely contained fury.

His voice rises like thunder as he blurts out, "I need to know you’re actually all right, not some dumb bullshit. You’ve barely said anything to me since you left, Oak.”

Razor puts himself between the two of us, trying to calm my father down. “Hammer, she just needed some time to process everything after the shooting, some time away.”

He’s trying to explain to my father why I made the choice that I did, but my father’s gaze goes between the two of us.

My father is connecting the fucking dots.

My heart lurches in my chest, and I wait for the explosion.

He blinks and looks right at me, asking a question, but already knowing the answer. “You’re fuckin’ shaking up with him?!”

An icy chill runs down my spine.

There’s no doubt about it, he’s furious.

Razor interjects once more, “Whoa, don’t fuckin’ talk to her like that.”

Razor's tone is sharp as he stands up for me, his words laced with bitterness.

My palms are getting sweaty as I watch the shit-show unfolding in front of me.

Dad clenches his fists at his side, ready to unleash his anger. “Stay the fuck out of this. I’ll talk to my daughter however the hell I want to.”

Razor doesn’t like that answer.

His shoulders tense up, and his jaw is clenched tight.

With venom in his tone, Razor makes it known that my father doesn’t get a free pass to speak to me this way. “I don’t give a fuck if you’re her father. She deserves respect, and she’s damn well gonna get it.”

I have to do something.

I can’t let them tear each other apart, and it’s going to happen if I don’t intervene.

"Dad, please," I beg, my voice shaking as the severity of the situation takes over me. "Just listen to me for a minute, please."

He ignores me, still glaring at Razor.

Without missing a beat, he snaps at Razor. "What the fuck are you even doing with my daughter? What are you, twenty years older than her? You sick, fuck." he spits, his words dripping with venom.

Razor doesn't flinch, or back down.

He takes a step closer, between me and my father.

Licking his lips, he sizes my dad up. “Yeah, we have an age difference, so what? She’s not a minor, and she’s not your fuckin’ property, Hammer. She isn’t gonna abide by everything you tell her to. She’s safe and you should be happy with that.”
