Page 1 of Needing Shianne

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Neve watched as Boss Man, as he demanded to be called, sat at the computer, a burning cigarette tipped into an ashtray to his right. He hadn't showered in...who knows when. Scratching his dirty hair, he watched the video one more time. The dark-haired, blue-eyed woman with the peppy personality was good. She was real good.

Pretending to hock clothing, she smiled beguilingly as she effectively told them she had a new shipment of Teal Fenty S extra-large.

He turned to her, "You need to get down to Glen Hollow, Kentucky today and pick up this Teal Fenty extra-large. It's not too far from the cabin."

"Shit. I've been on the road for four friggen days. I just got back. Why can't Doug go?"

"Get on the road again. We need this product. I've got guys lined up to buy it and I didn't get enough from Caesar. And Doug has other shit to do."


He waited impatiently, shifted in his chair, and turned his dull blue eyes to hers.

"Get going."

She sucked in a deep breath and stood. "Send me the address."

"Her store is called Devine Designs. I'll text you the address and phone number to set up the order."

She leaned over his shoulder to look at the woman in the video posted online. She had shoulder-length dark hair, and blue eyes. She was pretty, thin, and bubbly. "Why is she selling drugs? She has a clothing store."

He turned and leveled a dark gaze on her. "In a bum-fuck little town in Kentucky. Please tell me who is buying dresses there? She's selling drugs to make ends meet. And the Teal Fenty S is hot right now. I've got sellers clamoring for it and I can charge extra."

She stared for a few moments more at the woman on the screen and thought she was a dumb-ass. Why would this woman get herself involved in drugs and the like of those who dealt in it? Then again, why the hell did she?

Money. It always came back to money. People would do anything for it. Including prostituting themselves. It was awful what a person had to do to get a hot meal and a roof over their heads. As soon as she had enough money, she'd step away from this crap and get herself a real job that actually paid enough for her to live the way she wanted to. She'd tried getting out of this life before, but Boss Man kept a thumb on her.

She moved toward the door just as her phone chimed in a text. Glancing briefly at it, she saw he'd texted her the address. Pushing the door open, she stepped into the hallway of the shithole apartment building and hoped she could get out to her car without seeing any of the perverts and dregs of society who lived here.

Descending the stairs, she made sure not to touch the railing, at least the part of it that still hung on the wall, and kept her eyes averted when she stepped off the final step. Someone was checking their mail, the little creep who lived next door to Boss Man. Ugh.

"Hey, Neve," he called out. All three of his teeth needed to be brushed but likely wouldn't be for some time.

"Hey." She breezed past him to the door holding her breath so as not to smell him. He always smelled like BO and piss. She wanted to tell him to take a shower for fuck’s sake.

Stepping onto the sidewalk outside, she breathed in her first breath of fresh air since she'd entered the building. She strutted to her car, only three spots away, and quickly slipped inside and locked her doors. She swiftly pulled away from the curb and headed out of this crappy neighborhood and to the first convenience store that felt safe.

Stopping, she entered Glen Hollow, Kentucky into her GPS, waited as it located the town, and set the direction she'd travel. Glancing in her mirror, she noted the dark circles under her eyes. She hadn't slept more than four hours in the past two days. She was sick of this courier position.

As soon as the GPS loaded her route, she set off for Glen Hollow and noted ten hours and thirty-two minutes between Philly and Glen Hollow. She'd stop somewhere around nine tonight and arrive tomorrow morning to get Boss Man his shitty drugs to peddle. After she collected her payment, she'd tell him she was done. Really done this time. She could sell dresses like this chick claimed to sell. Hell, she knew how to make videos and actually sell dresses and such. This Shianne chick was doing it all wrong. All wrong.


Myles holstered his gun and swept up the casings from the floor. Hearing them click as they hit the bottom of the bucket, he inhaled the scent of gunpowder. He loved the smell of it. When there were more of his teammates in here practicing, he really got the full effect of it.

Hanging up the broom and dustpan, he turned off the lights in the gun range and exited the room. He was lucky. They all were. They had a regular gun range right where they lived and worked. Convenient.

Strutting across the garage to the door, he wiped his feet on the mat; then entered the kitchen. He could hear Shianne chatting away happily even before the door was open.

As he stepped into the kitchen, she stood in front of the counter, facing him. Her blue eyes sparkled under the kitchen lights. Her dark hair shone and grazed her shoulders. Her beautiful smile lit up her face.

"Hi, Myles."

"Hi, Shianne. Hey, Lara." He greeted his boss's wife.

"Hi, Myles. Are you hungry?"
