Page 13 of Needing Shianne

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"Okay. I'll get that mailed out to you today."

It sounded like something fell before the man responded. "You're not going to mail it!"

"Oh, well, yes I was going to mail it."

"Lady, you've got balls the size of Texas."

Shianne flinched. What the ever-loving hell did he mean by that?

"Excuse me?"

"You can't put that in the mail. Stop being coy with me and my girl and give her the Fenty so she can get back here. She said you've been fucking around with her."

His girl? Fucking around? Things began clicking in her head. The young woman. She didn't know her name. "Oh, there was a young woman here earlier. Is that your girl? Petite. Dark hair. Green eyes."

"Yeah. Now she said you were pulling some shit. Pretending to be dumb about it all, but I have your video here and I clearly heard you selling Fenty. That's pretty ballsy too, gotta say. But, hey, you do you."

She shook her head just as the phone call ended. He'd hung up on her.

Her stomach lurched a bit as she thought through the conversation with the young woman earlier. Picking up the receipt, she read the information. A P.O. Box was given as an address. The phone number was correct. Payment wasn't made but his comments were - WILL PAY CASH!

The doorbell chimed announcing a customer entering the shop, and Shianne quickly dropped the order on the counter. Myles sauntered in looking fantastic once again.

"Hi." She said softly, surprised he was here.

"Hi." He grinned, but as he came close she could see he was dirty and sweaty. Still sexy though.

"You look like you've worked hard today."

"Yeah. I helped Henry on the farm."

His eyes scanned the mess she had on the counter. "It looks like it did when I was here this morning."

"What?" She followed his gaze and her cheeks warmed. "Oh. I didn't have time to get everything cleaned up. I was busy with customers coming in to pick up their dresses for the Ball. I'm still trying to package up orders to mail out." She clucked her tongue and softly added, "That I meant to have out before noon today."

He shook his head. "Girl, you need some organization here."

"I know." Her cheeks burned. Her chest burned. Her entire body felt a failure as she glanced at the mess behind her counter.

"Do you want me to help you?"

She chuckled. "No."

"I mean to organize things. I don't know how to package up clothing."

She shook her head and looked into his eyes. "I bet you don't. But..." She glanced at her watch. "We won't have time to organize all of this and get my packages out today before our date, so it'll have to wait."

"Well, I can at least deliver your prepared packages to the post office."

She hesitated, then turned, and looked at the pile of boxes at the end of her counter. "I don't want to..."

"It's not an imposition. Let me take them and you can close up the shop and go home to get ready for tonight."

Excitement sizzled through her body as she brought her thoughts around to a date with Myles. Every time she thought about it today, those same feelings buzzed through her, and she felt alive and so excited.

She bit her bottom lip. "If you're sure it's all right. I don't want to take up your time."

He chuckled. Oh, that smile. If a smile could be perfect, his was. Full lips, straight white teeth. Man. "I wouldn't have offered if it was an imposition."
