Page 17 of Needing Shianne

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Remembering he hadn't showered yet he pulled back slightly. "Sorry. I haven't showered yet and I need to get your packages to the post office."

She stepped back and stared into his eyes for a moment. "Why did you come back in here?"

"I saw that woman come in. I remembered her from this morning asking if I was a cop. I thought it was weird and the fact she came back again made me suspicious."

Shianne nodded, then took a deep breath. Turning her head, she looked at the computer screen and all the orders. "I should take a few minutes to respond to these orders. I'll simply tell them the Teal Fenty is a dress made by Fenty Samuel and see if they still want it."

"Okay. But keep your door locked please. And, if you have any weird things happen, call me." He pulled his cell phone out and nodded to her phone sitting on the counter. "What's your number? I'll call you and you'll have my number."

She gave her number then picked her phone from the counter and waited for it to ring. Grinning as it rang; she tapped the number and saved it into her phone as he did the same with his.

"Okay. Times a ticking. We now only have about fifty-five minutes until our date."

"Oh no. I'm not sure I'll have this done in time."

He chuckled. "I'll drive by here first and if you're still working, I'll come in."


He kissed her forehead. Later he'd kiss her lips. He didn't want to smell like a horse when he did that for the first time.


Shianne followed Myles to the front door and watched him saunter to his truck. He had a great ass. Great. Ass. He turned and stared. Raising his right hand, he motioned the twisting of the lock on her door. She did as he asked. He grinned, winked, and climbed into his truck. Damn! That did all sorts of funny things in her body.

He watched her for a moment before starting his truck, and she smiled and waved, then turned, and made her way to her counter. She laid her hand on her belly to slow the butterflies down. And excitement surged once more that she'd be on a date with Myles in an hour. A new urgency pushed her forward.

Stepping behind the counter, she gathered up the orders she needed to fill tomorrow and patted them into a neat stack. Setting them on the counter, next to the computer, she set her stapler on top so they wouldn't get messed up. Then, she took a deep breath and opened her software to see the orders that had come in. No new ones since the video had come down. Thankfully.

Clearing her throat, she opened the first order and typed out a response to the customer:

"The Teal Fenty S-XL is a dress." She copied a picture of it from her online files, then pasted it into the email message. "Please respond if you're still interested in purchasing this dress, with your size requirement."

She sent that first message. Then reopened it and copied the text and picture. Closing it out she opened the next order and pasted the message into it. Sending it off, she felt good that she'd be able to get this done in a few minutes.

She worked diligently and managed to get all the messages responded to in fifteen minutes. That still gave her about forty-five minutes to get home and take a quick shower. She could skip washing her hair, since she'd washed it this morning. And, as to what to wear, she'd forgotten to ask Myles where they were going, but the only place in town for a great date meal was Porter's Steakhouse. It was likely there, and she'd dress accordingly.

After closing out her computer, she did a brief reorganizing of her workspace. She hated having the mess out front. There was no room in the back to prepare the orders and she wanted to be up front, so she was present when customers entered the boutique. And she was embarrassed that Myles felt she was so unorganized. She huffed out a deep breath and vowed to herself to get her office organized. Now she'd need to recreate new reels for marketing since her old one was now deleted. She made money off those reels. She couldn't stop marketing on social media, it was now her bread and butter.

She sighed heavily and turned the lights off in the shop. Turning the open sign to closed, she glanced out the window and didn't see anyone lurking around.

With a quick nod, she moved through her boutique. She always felt a sense of pride when she walked through her little dress shop. It had been a dream of hers forever.

Grabbing her purse off the hook behind her office door, she pulled her light jacket off the second hook and moved toward the back door. She turned off light switches in her office and the storage room, checked the coffee pot to make sure it was turned off, then pulled her keys from her purse. She let herself out the back door, twisted the key in the lock and moved toward her car, looking at the time on her watch. She had forty minutes. Totally doable.

She pushed the button on her key fob and quickly slid inside her vehicle. She started it up and backed from her parking space. Her house was only five minutes from the boutique, so she'd pull her hair up in a loose ponytail, leaving some tendrils fall around her face. She'd decided on a soft knit black dress and would add a gold chunky necklace. Dressy, but not too dressy.

She pulled into her driveway, hit the garage door opener, and eased her vehicle inside. Before going in, she ran to her mailbox and pulled out a stack of mail. Then ran into the house and closed her garage door. She dropped her mail and purse on the counter, then rushed to her bedroom and gathered her clothing.

Racing to the bathroom she turned the water on in the shower to warm and undressed.

After showering, washing her face and reapplying a bit of makeup, she glanced at her watch and saw she had two minutes to spare. Not bad.

Rather pleased with herself, she breezed into the living room and straightened the pillows on the sofa and stacked the plethora of fashion magazines on the coffee table into a neat pile. Then she remembered she hadn't made her bed, so she hurried back to the bedroom and pulled the covers up and straightened the pillows. Glancing at her neatly made bed, she shook her head. Honestly, Myles wouldn't even see her bedroom, so why was she worried? But he thought she was unorganized, and she wanted to prove him wrong. Somewhat wrong. He was right though, but she wasn't ready to admit it.

The sound of his truck pulling into her driveway made butterflies come alive in her stomach and shivers ran up her spine. Inhaling a deep breath, she let it out slowly as she moved to the front door.

His footsteps on her front porch sounded and she pulled the door open before he knocked.
