Page 27 of Needing Shianne

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She slid the over-easy eggs from the pan onto their respective plates, pulled the bacon out of the microwave, and laid three pieces on each plate. The bathroom door opened and she carried the plates to the table. She stood back to look at their nice table. She was proud of herself.

Myles stepped into the kitchen. His freshly showered scent fought with the aroma of bacon and eggs. He smelled better. He kissed her lips and smiled. "Breakfast looks amazing."

"Thanks. I know I'm competing with Helissa, but I think this looks pretty good."

He laughed. "Sweetheart, you aren't competing with anyone. You're one of a kind."

Her cheeks warmed and her heartbeat kicked up a bit.

"Sit down. I'll get coffee."

She poured them each a cup of coffee, then sat across from him.

"So, what are you doing today?" She asked cheerfully.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. I'll check in with Tate after breakfast."

She nodded and forked a piece of egg and bacon. "Okay." She ate her food then glanced across the table at Myles. "And, when you said your job would have you gone sometimes, does that mean every week? Once a month? Any regularity?"

"Nope. Nope. Nope." He took a sip of his coffee and grinned.

She stared for a minute; her brows pushed together. "What does that mean?"

He chuckled. "It means, not every week. Not necessarily once a month, though it could be. And no regularity."

She frowned slightly. "Okay."

He reached across the table and took her hand. "Look. We work when there's work. When the missions come in to Rafe, he doles them out. If he thinks it's something we should work on, he gives it to Tate. From there, Tate usually asks for volunteers after briefing us on the mission. If there aren't enough volunteers, which..." His brows furrowed. "In my time has never happened, then Tate will assign the mission."

"Okay. I understand. I just wondered."

His shoulder rose and lowered. "If it's any assistance to you though. I do believe we have a new operative coming in and I'll be training him or her."


"I don't know. I didn't ask. Could be a her."

"What does training mean?"

He laughed out loud and she frowned again. "It's not funny." She mumbled.

Myles stood and moved to her chair. He crouched down in front of her. "Shianne. You have nothing to be jealous of. I've been in town for a little more than two years. You and I have flirted, then pulled away and flirted some more. In all that time, have you heard about me dating anyone else in town?"

She looked into his eyes. The little lines at the corners pronounced as he grinned.


"Right. Because I haven't. Do you know why?"

She cocked her head to the left slightly, still staring into those dark brown orbs she had been so enamored by the past couple of years. "No. I mean...No."

He reached forward and held both of her hands in his. "Because of you."


"Yes. You. No one else has any appeal to me."

Her cheeks warmed and her shoulders rolled in slightly. He placed his fingers under her chin and lifted her eyes to his once more. "Hey. I know this is new. And it's scary. And you may feel a bit insecure until you actually feel what I'm telling you is true. And only time will give you that feeling. But it's you I want to be with. It's you who has my mind all twisted into knots. It's you who makes my heart beat a little faster every time I look at you. It's you that I look forward to seeing. It doesn't matter if this new operative is a woman. It doesn't matter if this new operative is a knockout, capable, smart, or the total package. My interest in her will be making sure she's capable enough to have our backs on a mission. So, no one gets hurt. We all have someone we love and want to come home to."
