Page 3 of Needing Shianne

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Barrett laughed. "Dude."

He laughed and hustled from the kitchen straight to his room. Maybe he'd go up and see Maya today. Then, maybe he'd call his dad. Yeah, that's what he'd do. He had the next few days off, so he'd need to come up with something to do. With all the others now married, there was seldom anyone around to hang with. He could run over to Henry's and help out on the farm. That would be a nice gesture. With Everleigh pregnant she'd likely appreciate the help. He nodded his head. That's what he'd do.

He entered his bedroom and pulled his gun and holster off. Laying them on the bedside table, he stretched and dropped down into the soft brown leather recliner in his room. Pulling his phone from his back pocket he tapped his dad's picture and settled in for a conversation with him.

"Hey, Myles! What's up?"

He chuckled. "Not much. Thought I'd call and see how you and Mom are doing."

His dad chuckled. "We're fine. So, are you bored there, with everyone off with their spouses and doing other things?"

He grinned. "Yeah. I guess."

"Ahh, I remember it well. Been there. I guess you'll need a hobby in your spare time to keep from going stir-crazy."

"Well, I was planning on going up to visit with Maya and Jasiah later, then tomorrow I'll go over to Henry and Everleigh's and help out on the farm."

"That's good. But I meant a hobby for you. It's great that you'll be visiting your sister and helping Henry and Everleigh, but you'll need something for yourself in the long term."

Myles closed his eyes. What would that be? All he ever did was work and kick around with his friends. "Yeah. I'll have to think on it."

His dad laughed. "Go out and see your sister. Maybe you'll find something you like doing up there. I've met a few of the craftsmen in the Hills. The way they put a house together is amazing. And some of the artisans are incredible."

He took a deep breath. "I will." His thoughts wandered to all of that, but building a house or sitting for long hours making something from wood didn't have quite the appeal he'd need to actually learn how to do it.

"Myles, Mom and I love you. This is another phase of life that sucks, but you'll get through it. And, frankly, it's good for you to figure out what you'd want to do when you back away from working for GHOST."

"I think I have a few years before I have to think of that."

"Maybe. You'll also likely find that special someone and have your own kids one day. So, it's better to figure out yourself first."

Myles burst out laughing. "I don't think I'll find myself married anytime soon, Dad."

"I'll bet you the day before Maya met Jasiah, she would have said the same thing."

He let that sink in for a few moments, "Yeah."

"Do you need anything else?"

"No. Tell Mom I love her. I love you too, Dad."

"We love you too. Take care of yourself. Maybe plan a trip to come up and see us."

"That sounds good. You'll all be coming down for Christmas this year, right?"

"Yep. We've got it all planned. I think your mom and I are staying a couple of nights with Maya and Jasiah. He's adding on a bedroom. It's for the baby, but it'll work nicely for us while we're there."

"That sounds like a great idea."

"Love you, son."

The call ended and Myles sunk deeper into his recliner. He did feel a bit lost. And the fact that his parents would be here for Christmas was nice, but they'd be up by Maya for a few days. That made him feel lonelier than before.

He shook his head to get out of it, then pushed the foot of the recliner down and stood. First order of business was to go visit Maya.


Shianne hung up the final dress from the box of dresses she'd received in her shipment today. Many of these beauties were spoken for by the women in town dressing for the New Year's Eve Ball. Tomorrow she'd have to steam the wrinkles out. She was hella excited for the New Year's Eve Ball. She'd tried getting on the Bourbon Ball committee for years but the old bags on that committee refused to let anyone new join them. When someone raised the idea of a New Year's Eve Ball as a way to bring the folks from Hickory Hills down here and get all of them to celebrate the new year together, she jumped at the chance to get on the committee. The day she was invited to be on that committee, she squealed and danced around her shop in excitement. Then she called Lara and told her about it. Then she encouraged Lara to join her on the committee and they had a great time planning the New Year's Eve Ball together. It was going to be a formal affair like the Bourbon Ball but with a winter theme. This year they'd chosen Unity as the theme, merging the two towns, and bringing them all together. What they had pulled together so far was going to be so magical. Incredible actually.
