Page 36 of Needing Shianne

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"Come in here."

Myles rushed out to Tate, and he pointed to his computer screen. "I've got the video from Paxton's."

They watched in silence as the black car pulled into a parking spot behind Paxton's. It was closest to the boutique but concealed by a wooden wall that hid the garbage cans. He sat in his car for a few moments then the silver car drove past and parked in the tattoo parlor parking lot.

The heavyset man left his black Impala and lumbered toward the boutique. He had the pipe in his hand. Approaching from the passenger side of the truck, he walked around the front of the truck, then hit Myles.

Myles shook his head; he never made a sound.

The person in the silver car exited and began walking toward the boutique, pulling the baseball cap down lower on his or her face. He pulled the syringe from his pocket and popped the cap covering the needle off.

The heavy man then dragged Shianne from the building and the other one injected her with something that rendered her helpless.

His stomach rolled again.

Tate looked back at him. "I'm sorry, Myles. I know what this feels like. Watching it is difficult. But we'll find her. We have some evidence. And you have a ton of friends who want to help you. So, right now, I've got everyone out searching for these vehicles. And they have pictures of the two perps so they can keep an eye out for them."

"Thanks, Tate. I appreciate all of this."

"You mentioned that some woman had been in here looking to buy some drugs. Are either of these vehicles hers?"

"No, she drove a late model, gray Honda Civic. One or two years old. She had Pennsylvania plates on it. I have the plate number. I’ll text it to you."

"What day was she last here?"


Tate nodded. "I'll have Rafe get security video from Homeland Guest House across the street. We may be able to pull the plates from there."

Myles nodded and took a deep breath. They'd get her. They had good evidence. They'd get her. He believed it in his gut.


Shianne took small steps. As much to avoid going in that house as to not throw up again. A car was heard approaching, and she turned to see a silver car driving into the yard, or whatever. There really wasn't a driveway here. She stopped and so did smelly man behind her. If she thought she'd be able to outrun him, she would have taken off. Then, a smaller man got out of the silver car, and he seemed to be in better shape than this guy here. Her hopes for running began to fade.

The smaller man stalked toward them; he barely gave her a second glance. Moving passed her and smelly man, he continued to the house without a word. He stepped onto the small porch and hurried inside. Loud voices could be heard, and she knew someone else was inside. Three of them. It would be tricky to get away from three of them.

Another car approached on the road, and she tried not to let defeat weigh her down. That car drove past them, and she hoped once more the road was busy enough that she'd be found. If she could just manage to get away and find a car on the road, she'd be able to get back home.

"Get moving. I whacked your boy pretty hard. He's not coming."

Her heartbeat raced and her mouth dried. Myles couldn't be dead. He just couldn't be. They were finally together. She blinked rapidly to stem the tears that threatened.

A shove from behind propelled her forward. She continued her long walk to the house when the smaller man shot out the front door and jumped off the porch. He stalked to his vehicle once more without so much as a glance at her. Her brows furrowed and smelly man chuckled, sort of.

"Dumbass got himself in trouble."

"With whom?"

"You'll see. Stop talking and start walking."

She did as she was told, but slowly. Her eyes scanned the area around them, she was careful not to move her head. Smelly man was behind her, he couldn't see her eyes. Scanning the ground and wondering how far she'd get; she wondered if she reached the car if she'd find the keys inside. She could certainly outrun him that far. But, if he hadn't left the keys in the ignition, she'd be screwed for sure and maybe tied up. For the time being, she decided cooperating seemed smartest until she knew what she was facing. Hopefully, she wasn't wrong about that.

Reaching the steps to the porch, she climbed up and waited for smelly man to open the door. When he reached in front of her, the stench made her stomach churn, and she turned her head and closed her eyes.

He scoffed and gave her a shove from behind. She tripped through the front door but caught her balance and righted herself. She stood in front of a man, larger in size than smelly man but equally smelly and dirty. A full ashtray lay on the table to his right, a lit cigarette hung from his mouth. The t-shirt he wore was an old comic t-shirt, but it was wrinkled and had a hole in the bottom of it, causing it to hang open. He wore sweatpants that she assumed were gray. There was a dark stain on the left knee of the pants, she couldn't see the right pant leg.

"Here's the liar about the teal Fenty, boss man," smelly man announced.
