Page 43 of Needing Shianne

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"He wants to ransom her for Fentanyl."

Myles scoffed. "Turn around, you're coming with us."

Addy stepped forward and grabbed Neve's wrist and tugged it behind her. She pulled a zip tie from her back pocket and tied Neve's wrists together. She gripped Neve's upper arm and led her to Myles' truck.

Myles glanced at Tate. "You good?"

"Yeah. Police are on their way. Go get her."

He hustled to catch up to Addy and Neve, eager to get to Shianne.

As he caught up to them he asked, "Is she alright?"

"Yeah. She talks a lot."

He chuckled. "When she's excited or nervous."

Neve shrugged.

"Who has her?"

"My dad."

"Your dad?"

Neve inhaled deeply. "Yeah. In case you haven't figured it out, he's a dealer. He makes me be the courier. I hate it. I've tried getting out, I just don't know how."

Myles opened his back truck door and Addy helped Neve climb in the back seat. Addy climbed in behind her.

"Consider yourself out now."

"Addy, can you text me the address?"

"On it."

His phone pinged and he tapped the computer screen on his truck. His text appeared and he tapped the address which loaded into his navigation system.

He started on his way to Shianne. It was the longest ride he'd ever had, and he'd flown to Afghanistan. But this? This was different. He couldn't drive fast enough to get to her.

"What's the plan?" Addy asked.

"We're going to stop on the road near the house and Neve is going to call daddy dealer and tell him we have her."

"He won't care." Neve dully offered.

"I bet he will. He might act like he doesn't. But he's your father," Addy added.

"Nope. All he cares about are the drugs. The money and the drugs."

His eyes landed on Addy's in the mirror but neither said anything.

His mind raced through scenarios. "Is he armed?"

"Yeah. But usually, he makes dumb and dumber do all the heavy work."

Myles took a deep breath. "Who's that? Dumb and dumber?"
