Page 46 of Needing Shianne

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"Geez." Smelly Man neared her, grabbed her hair at the back of her head and propelled her forward toward the door.

"You don't have to pull my hair. I'll go willingly."

"Shut up." She could smell his breath and she was sorry she said anything. Better to not pull and let him guide her outside. Myles would never shoot at them with her this close. Her biggest worry was whether Smelly Man was twitchy or not. A gun at her head - never in her life did she think this would happen to her.

Boss Man opened the door as they approached but stayed hidden from anyone outside. Shianne slowly put one foot in front of the other. She couldn't tip her head down with Smelly Man's fist in her hair. She felt the porch in front of her steps with the toe of her shoe, before stepping fully.

Smelly Man was at least nice enough to warn her. "Step down next step."

A whiff of that breath made her slightly sorry he offered help. She knew there were two steps, so she stepped down again, then once more to the ground.

He maneuvered them to the flattened grass, which she assumed was the driveway he spoke of. Neve was directly across from her on the same flattened grass, a bored look on her face. Shianne lifted her bound hands and waved at Neve but received nothing in response. Neve's hands were behind her back. Suddenly Addy stepped onto the driveway behind Neve. She had her gun pointed at - her. What the ever-loving fuck was going on here? Addy's gun should have been pointed at Neve, not her. A spike of anger flared through her.

Smelly Man raised his voice, which gave her the full bad-breath-vomit-inducing experience.

"Let her go and I'll give you this one."

Addy yelled, "Step away first. Go over to the cabin."

"Not until you let Neve go."

"Not going to work that way. Are you a good shot?"

Smelly Man groaned slightly. He said, less convincing than a child lying about taking a cookie he wasn't supposed to have. "Yeah."

Shianne closed her eyes. "Okay. We're well-matched then. I'm a crack shot." Addy responded.

Then, Addy's eyes landed on hers and she saw the slight uptick of her lips. She was hiding a grin. She thought this was funny. That made Shianne mad all over again. There was nothing funny about this situation. Not one damned thing!

She wanted to yell. A loud thump from inside the cabin could be heard and then a crash of something. Another loud thud and then - silence.

Smelly Man turned toward the cabin. At least the tugging on her hair indicated that. He yelled, "What the fuck are you doing?"

Addy shook her head. "I'm willing to trade Neve for Shianne."

"No, what's going on?"

Neve took a step forward. Then another step. She was moving slowly and deliberately. Addy followed along behind her. "Step away from Shianne. Go toward the cabin. Then, I'll let Neve go."

"I don't trust you." His voice shook.

Then the most beautiful sound she'd ever heard in her life reached her ears.

Myles' voice, slowly, deliberately, "Drop the gun or your brains will be scattered across the yard."

Well, his words weren't beautiful. But he was here. He came to save her. He was alive.

"I don't...Boss Man will shoot you." Smelly Man said with a shaking voice.

"No, he won't. I already got him. You're next."

From the corner of her eye, she saw the gun Smelly Man held, shaking. She whimpered slightly and Myles responded. "It's all right Shianne."

Her legs began to shake. Smelly Man's hand in her hair shook. Then, he shoved her forward. She tripped and fell to the ground.

A thud sounded. She rolled over to see Myles jump on top of Smelly Man and shove his fist into the beefy man's face. Not once. Not twice. Three times. Smelly Man stopped moving. Myles stood, pulled a zip tie from his back pocket, and tied it around Smelly Man's wrist. He grabbed another zip tie, rolled Smelly Man over, and tied his wrists together.

He stood and heard Shianne sobbing. Myles ran to her and pulled her off the ground. He ripped the duct tape away from her wrists and pulled her tightly to his body. Limply, she wrapped her arms around his waist. They began prickling as the blood flowed freely through her veins once more.
