Page 56 of Needing Shianne

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Her mom smiled, kissed her on the cheek as she entered, and said, “Nonsense. Today is your wedding day. I thought we could enjoy some of Lara’s coffee cake and chat before you have to start getting ready. Lara will be here in an hour. She has a few things to take care of at the bakery before she comes over.”

Shianne closed her front door and locked it. She was always super cautious since her kidnapping. The reminder sent a shiver down her spine and not a good one. The aroma of the coffee called to her, and her sleepy brain began to wake.

“So, first thing Shianne, is let’s have a few moments of nothing but girl talk. Then, you can go in and shower. I’ll clean up in here then get ready myself. Your father is going to get ready at the HOG with the men.”

“Really? I didn’t know Myles invited him over to get ready.”

“It was so sweet. He called him yesterday and asked him if he’d like to join them. And your father was crazy excited about it. Plus, he really likes Dodge, so they’ll get to have some time to chat also.”

Her heart warmed at Myles’ thoughtfulness. He did that on his own. It made her eyes tear up slightly.

“He’s a good man.”

Her mom sat at the table and opened the bakery bag. “He certainly is. We’re so happy you’ve found yourself such a good person and family.”

She sat across from her mom, took a sip of the coffee she brought and closed her eyes as the cinnamon flavor slid down her throat. “Lara added cinnamon for me.”

“Yes, she did. Without asking too.”

“She knows what I love.”

Her mom chuckled. They sat and chatted about the baby, the house, the wedding plans, and their honeymoon trip. Then her mom clapped her hands and said, “Okay, let’s get going. You only have three hours, and the girls will be here soon.”

“What girls? I thought just Lara was coming.”

“Kenna, Everleigh, and Addy are coming here to pick us up and bring us to the church to dress there. That way we won’t get wrinkled.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful.” She stood. “Okay. I’ll get into the shower.”

She hurried to the bathroom, now more excited for all the events this day brought. It wasn’t just getting married. It was the community in the getting ready. It was spending time with those she loved and enjoying the process of getting ready to be married. She promised to absorb as much of it as she could.

Shianne stepped from the shower and heard a baby crying. Her brows furrowed but she dressed in her sexy new lingerie and sweatpants and sweater and moved into the living room to see all the women there, including Maya. And one little man, Richard.

“Hi. I didn’t know you were coming too. But I’m so happy to see you.”

Maya stood and handed Richard to her mom, who eagerly wrapped the baby in her arms. “I don’t want to miss a second of my brother’s big day and that means getting to spend time with you.”

Tears sprang to her eyes unannounced, and she took a deep breath as Maya wrapped her in her arms.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

Maya chuckled. “Thank you for making Myles so happy.”

Shianne giggled. She was the happy one, but she hoped Myles was just as happy as she was.

Klaire Brown clapped her hands, then looked at the sleeping baby in Jax’s arms and on a loud whisper said, “We have to get going to the church.”

There was a flurry of bags being gathered, jackets thrown on, much giggling, and organizing about who was riding with whom.

Shianne simply waited for them to settle themselves, but she watched happily as they figured it all out. She wanted to commit all of this to memory. All of it.

As soon as they parked in the church parking lot, she pulled her dress from the hook in the back of the car and carried it over her arm. Her mom bustled behind her with a big tote bag with curling irons, blow dryers, brushes, combs, pins, and so much other stuff.

They entered the room in the basement of the church where they’d dress, and the women immediately began plugging in curling irons and laying out their makeup. So much commotion made this usually quiet room seem rather unruly.

“Shianne, come and sit. The hairstylist, Midge, is here to do your hair.”

Dutifully she sat as the woman, who her mom had hired, began brushing her hair out and blowing it with the blow dryer.
