Page 8 of Needing Shianne

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"She said she wanted a dress. One far too big for her. Then told me my price was too low but also said she'd never owned a dress that expensive and that's when you walked in."

He turned to stare out the window once more. The vehicle had left the parking lot and headed down Main Street toward Fort Abraham. "Interesting."

When his eyes met Shianne's he saw surprise in hers. Her brows shot up and she crossed her arms in front of her. "What's so interesting about her?"

He chuckled. "I didn't say she was interesting. The entire exchange is interesting."

She sucked in a deep breath and let it out loudly. He moved toward her. She looked amazing in that fuzzy pink sweater. Her hair shined in the lights. Her blue eyes snapped to his and he couldn't look away. He'd been watching her from afar for a while now. They flirted here and there, but she always pulled back. She moved behind the counter with a paper in her hand and headed for a rack of blouses. She wore tight leather pants that hugged her firm ass perfectly. High-heeled knee boots hugged her calves and the curvy lines of her body hit him right in the gut. He'd always thought she was attractive, but today she looked incredible.

She gathered clothing from various racks, then laid them on the counter before walking back behind it and hiding her beautiful assets from him. Sad.

"So, what can I help you with? Are you here for something to wear for the New Year's Ball?"

He jerked his head as the topic of conversation wasn't anywhere close to what he came here to discuss. She always seemed to focus on the Ball.

"Ah, no. I actually came in to apologize for yesterday. I didn't mean to seem bossy about the information you share on the internet. It's a job hazard and I can't seem to keep it to myself."

She stopped folding clothing, and her eyes met his. "I didn't think..." Her brows furrowed. "I think it's nice that you wanted me to be safe."

She smiled and it hit him in the gut. She was stunning. No doubt about it, she was always fun to be around. He liked talking to her. She was sexy. She was smart. She ran her own business and was doing well with it. What's not to like about her?

"Okay. I just thought I should apologize."

Her smile broadened. "Wow. A big tough guy apologizing. That's one for the books for sure."

"What books?"

"The imaginary books that everyone talks about. A man apologized about wanting me to be safe. As I think on it now, I have to admit, I like that you care."

His heartbeat skipped, and his throat dried up. He didn't know what to say to that. He wasn't sure if words would come out right now.

He inhaled to fill his lungs, then nodded. "Okay. Well, I'm glad you aren't mad. I should probably go. I'm heading out to help Henry and Everleigh on the farm today."

"Oh, that's really nice of you. I've heard Everleigh has been suffering from monster morning sickness. So, I'll bet the help will be appreciated."

"I hadn't heard about her morning sickness. Thanks for letting me know."

"Didn't Lara or Kenna mention anything?"

"I don't listen to stuff like that. When they start talking babies and stuff, that's my cue to leave."

"Well, with Maya pregnant, you may want to listen, so you know a bit more about it all."

His head shook. "Ah, that's a hard no for me."

She laughed. He enjoyed the sound of her laugh. It wasn't high-pitched and squeaky it was sexy and throaty. Her eyes sparkled. "Chicken."


He turned to leave because he'd said what he came to say. He wanted to ask her out to dinner, so they could chat more.

"Thanks for coming in, Myles. If you need me to hook you up with clothing for the Ball, you know where to find me."

"Yeah. I'll wear what I wore to the Bourbon Ball."

She shook her head. "You guys have it so easy. A woman walking into a Ball with the same dress as the one she'd worn before would set off wagging tongues like nothing else ever could. Especially me. A woman who owns a boutique."

He cocked his head, and he studied her. "I never thought of that. I suppose you are scrutinized more than the other women in town."
