Page 49 of Finding His Fire

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"You tell her?"


"Now what?"

He looked down into his sister's deep brown eyes, so much like his own. "I have to get divorced, Emmy. I tried making a deal with Stephano today. A touch on the illegal side at that, but I need to move on, and I want to move on with Megan. Even if it means I have to leave here."

Emmy stared across the room at the gathering and joviality of their loved ones, her head nodding. "I hope that doesn't happen, and I'll help in any way I can."

Taking a swig from his drink, he kissed his sister on the top of her head and pulled her forward into the fray.

* * *

Megan giggled. "I think my ears are ringing from all of the noise." She set her wineglass in the dishwasher and turned to face him as he closed and locked the door. He walked to his computer to set the security system, and when he looked up, Megan stood next to the kitchen counter naked as the day she was born, but much, much sexier. He was positive of that. He could feel the smile crawl across his face. It was both a pleasant surprise and raw, sexual excitement.

"Now that is a sight I will never tire of."

As she walked toward him, her full breasts mesmerized him with their gentle sway. When he was able to pull his eyes away from the hypnotic dance of her breasts, they dropped to the narrow patch of auburn curls. He licked his lips, remembering her taste.

Stopping in front of him, her hands immediately went to his T-shirt and lifted it up over his body. He took over when her reach became too short, but he was happy for it because her hands roamed his body, then her tongue dipped into each valley between his abdominal muscles, and his cock swelled painfully thick. She swirled her tongue around his navel as her fingers worked the button on his jeans. The zipper lowered, and his cock surged forward as if a divining rod seeking gold or oil. He wasn't disappointed when she dropped to her knees before him, her pink tongue leaving a wet path on her lips. His eyes were locked on the sight before him, her wild auburn head dipped to lower his jeans to his feet, helping him step from each leg in turn. As her hands gripped his boxer briefs, he felt the moisture at the tip of his eager cock dampen them. She hummed her appreciation, and he thought his knees would buckle, the only thing keeping them locked was the need of her mouth on his cock.

He didn't have to wait long. Her gentle fingers pulled his length to her waiting mouth. She swiped the thick broad head of his cock along the seam of her lips and hummed. Tilting her head up just enough for their eyes to meet, his breath held. Her sweet lips pursed to kiss the throbbing member in her hands just before she lowered her head and took him into her hot, wet mouth.

Spellbound at the sight of Megan on her knees sucking his cock, he willed himself to breathe once again. The warmth of her tongue sliding along the underside of his cock made his heart race double time. Her other hand cupped his balls and gave them a gentle squeeze, and his cock twitched. She worked him then, up and down on his shaft, the sight of it something he wanted to commit to memory forever, and the feel of it something he'd never be able to describe. His legs shook with the effort to control his orgasm, which was coming at blinding speed. The tightness at the base of his spine building his cock so hot and hard he feared it would split open.

He panted, unable to speak the words he needed to say. "Megan."

He slid his hand into the soft curls on the top of her head, and the erotic feel of her head bobbing as she took him into her warmth increased the excitement of this moment. "I'm going to ..."

Her head worked faster, she swallowed, and her throat closed around his cock as she took him all the way in. That was the end of it. It felt like time stood still as he spilled himself inside her mouth. Her rapid swallowing of all he had to offer was without a doubt a moment he'd never forget.

A droplet of sweat trickled down the middle of his back as she hummed and continued licking him as his cock softened. She palmed his balls, now dropping into her waiting hand and with a final kiss on his softened penis, her eyes turned up to his, and a soft smile grew on her face.

"I've never done that before." The pink of her tongue appeared at the corner of her mouth, licking away an errant smear, but his mind struggled to focus. She was damned near dangerous to him if she could make his mind blank like that.

His brows raised as her words registered. "No?" Before he actually dropped to the floor, he knelt with her, the burning wood in the fire place still offering them warmth, and the crackling now reaching his ears after the deafening thrum of his blood coursing through them.

Wrapping an arm around her back, he lay her down on the cream colored deep pile rug he had scoffed at when Emmy brought it here. Now though, he'd love it always from this memory alone. "For a beginner, you're simply fantastic." Kissing her lips, his taste still on her breath, sent signals to his cock and the slow re-thickening tensed his muscles.

He kissed his way down her body, amazed as the gooseflesh formed on her creamy skin. Feeling the patch of hair on his lips, he kissed then blew on her, loving the squirm it elicited from her responsive body. Sliding back to drink in the sight of her, laying here in front of the fire, in his home, ready and welcoming him into her body and he'd do just that. Itching to touch her, sample her wetness, he slid a finger along her seam, thrilled to see the moisture gather. Running that moisture up and over her clit, he divided his attention between watching her pussy dance and her face as the pleasure washed over her. Testing her body to see what she wanted and needed, he added pressure to her clit as his swirling finger closed in closer to the now swelling bud. Her hips flexed and rose, and he knew now where he'd focus his attention first. Lowering his mouth around her pink pussy, he sucked her clit into his mouth and was welcomed with a low erotic moan.

Alternating between sucking her in and rolling his tongue over her, his pleasure mounted as hers was coming to her release. Her fingers dug roughly into his hair, fisting his head between her hands, the sting of pain in his scalp further hardening his cock. One final hard suck on her and she cried out her orgasm, as he lapped at her sweet juices, his new favorite taste. As her thighs stopped shaking, he climbed over her body and thrust himself into her, eager to spill himself just one more time tonight in her body.

Her legs lifted and wrapped around his ass, her heels digging in, pushing him in farther. This was not a long sweet mating, this was fierce full-on desire and a claiming of sorts. In some way, they’d both ways just claimed each other, and he felt wild and free and so very eager to stake his claim once again.

She cried out as her orgasm hit, and his thrusts increased in speed and intensity, his seed spilling into her soon after.


She woke to birds singing and the sun streaming in through the open curtains. Ford’s heavy muscled arm wrapped tightly around her waist, her back to his front, not an ounce of space between them.

This is how she'd woken every morning for the past three months since their ridiculous journey back to South Pass and all that had happened there. They'd settled into life here, Ford deciding once and for all he was retiring from bounty hunting, but the calls kept coming in. She wanted him to do what he wanted and not worry about her. She'd be here, keeping house, tending the garden he'd built her on the side of the house where she could see the back garage, the house, and the view, while she nurtured her newly sprouting snap peas, carrots, and lettuce.

But, today, they were hosting a picnic here at the house to celebrate. Emmy had sped into action after Bobby Ray was captured again and got a very agreeable judge to push through his conviction. They'd already had a jury selected from before, and the video of him escaping and the evidence of him setting the fire that killed the Montgomerys was more than enough to put him away for the rest of his life.

The Wicked Witch theme song sounded on Ford's phone, and he groaned. "She's got to go," he mumbled into her neck before rolling over and snatching his phone off the nightstand.
