Page 105 of Tell Me You Love Me

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I chuckle, unsure of what to make of her teasing before I reach out and tilt her chin with my fingers until our eyes meet. “Laugh all you want, but did it ever occur to you that maybe sex isn’t the only thing I want?”



Ipace across thefloor. If I have to wait much longer for Jace to get back from practice, I might wear a hole in the rug. After several days of rest and medicine, I finally feel like myself again, and I don’t intend to waste another minute. I’m ready. Impatient. I even changed into something nice and did my hair, relieved all of my aches and pains are gone.

The apartment is quiet, and after having spent so much time holed up in Jace’s bedroom, I’m going stir crazy.

When I woke this morning feeling whole again, I wanted to cry tears of joy. The first thought in my head was of Jace.

I think of how sweet he was when I was sick. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt so cared for in my life.

I pause at the sound of the key in the lock, wondering if Chris will be with him. More often than not he isn’t around, and I’m hoping today isn’t an exception.

Please don’t be with him.

The door swings open and I pause, watching as Jace steps inside and drops his gym back to the ground, then glances up at me with a smile. “Hey,” he says, his voice warm.

I crane my neck. “Is Chris with you?”

He shakes his head. “He headed home after practice.”

I bite my lip trying to hide my smile as I step forward, closing the space between us. Reaching up, I say nothing as I take his face in my hands and press my mouth to his.

He sucks in a breath, hesitating only a moment before his hands find the small of my back and he draws me in. My chest meets his, his lips patient against my own. It feels like a lifetime since I last had his mouth on mine, so when he draws back, I nearly cry at the distance. I know what I want, and I’m not stopping until I get it.

“You seem better today,” he says, eyes twinkling.

“I woke up with no body aches, and no sore throat.” I smile, unable to hide my enthusiasm. “Which means . . .” I walk my fingers up his chest to his neck. “I thought we could . . .”

He laughs and reaches out, grabbing my roaming fingers and kissing each one. “Brynn, we don’t have to.” I frown as he adds, “I mean, I want to. Fuck, I want to more than anything, but don’t you want it to be . . . I don’t know . . .” He rakes a hand through his hair while I clasp my hands around his neck, enjoying the sight of him fumbling for words. He’s so rarely speechless, and it might be the cutest freaking thing I’ve ever seen. “Special? Or . . . something. I just don’t want you to think you have to do anything you’re not ready for just because—”

I press my fingers to his lips. “I want you.”

His Adam’s apple bobs, and I watch the movement before I cover it with my mouth, slightly nipping the soft skin with my teeth.

Jace groans. “Brynn . . .”

“I want you,” I repeat, unashamed as I meet his gaze.

I’m not sure I’ve ever wanted anything more in my life. The last few days unwind in my mind like a ball of yarn: Jace taking care of me, bringing me soup, cough drops, and tea. Jace fussing over me and tucking me into bed. Taking my temperature and forcing me into a cool shower. His strong hands kneading my sore muscle. Long fingers raking though my hair, lulling me to sleep. The worry carved into the crease of his forehead.Jace. Jace. Jace.He’s already infiltrated my head, but now he’s in my heart, too. He’s in every waking thought. Every breath I take. And now I want him inside me, too.

I slide my hands underneath his shirt, taking in the smooth, hot skin beneath my fingers, The muscles of his abdomen clench as I explore, my breath hot on his skin as I press a kiss to his collarbone.

He grunts, and I feel his resolve slip in that single sound. “Brynn, I’ll wait for you,” he says, his voice a whisper as he places his hands on my shoulders, as if it can stop my perusal of his body.

I shake my head and the movement causes my lips to skate over the top of his chest. I know he’s worried I’m rushing into this. Maybe he thinks I feel pressured, considering his reputation. But I don’t. Never once have I ever felt like Jace has asked something of me I don’t want to give.

I pull back, meeting his fiery blue eyes, hooded with lust. My gaze flickers from his face and the restraint I see there to his chest, hugged by the soft cotton of his T-shirt, and then to his athletic shorts. I smirk as I reach out, curling my fingers into the waistband of his shorts.

“I want you, and unless you tell me otherwise, I’m going to have you, Taggart.” I push them down, revealing black boxer briefs, then take several steps back, allowing me the chance to soak him in. I bite my lip, then back myself toward the bedroom. “I’ll give you five seconds to refuse me.”

“What about Teagan? We haven’t—"

“Five, four—”

He exhales a rush of breath and frustration, his expression tortured as I continue to count. “Three, two—”
