Page 16 of Sedition

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We shared a laugh, but soon she sobered. “I’m kind of worried about you.”

“What are you concerned about?” I paused. “Or are you worried about you? I…I know I put you in danger by telling you…” By telling her all my secrets.

She held up a hand. “What? No. Not about that. About you going out on a date with them.”

We all knew who them were when it came to me. Most of the female population of the school knew there was something going on between me and the Three Kings. I got the name. They were powerful in their walk and the way they carried themselves, a regalness about their classical good looks, and yet each one held their own uniqueness. Given the chance, I was sure they would rule the school and maybe the world.

“Is it them, or is it the date?” I asked.

She sighed. “It’s not them. Anyone can see how they look at you. That’s a mating gaze if I ever saw it. It’s the date. I mean, where in the hell are they going to take you? To the library?”

I snorted. “It’s the thought that counts, right? And I don’t know. I asked them where I should meet them, and they haven’t responded yet. Maybe they are deciding.”

Another sigh from her, but this time she got up and went to the closet. She flipped through the right side, the dresses and things that looked to be more for a club than shifter history. “If you’re doing this, then we’re going to make their hearts stop.”

“Wait,” I laughed at her new gusto. “I don’t want to make their hearts stop.”

Did I?

“Not hearts stop as in dead.” She cocked her head sideways and did a zombie-type face, tongue out and everything. “Rather as in,they can’t breathe, and their wolves are pantingkind of stop. If they are going to take the chance, let’s give them a show.”

“What do you have in mind?” I asked, tiptoeing toward the closet. June was kind of scary when she was on a mission.

“Aha!” she yelled. “Here it is.” She reached way in the back and pulled out a violet dress, but, once she spun around, I shook my head.

“No. No way. That shows…what if the wind blows? No way.”

That dress was a menace, and she was damned right. Hell, it had my heart stopping. It was a short halter dress that wouldn’t even come closest to my knees, and the middle, well, there was no middle. I didn’t have a bra to go with that.

“It’s gorgeous,” she countered. “They’ll have to excuse themselves to mop up the drool.”

“And I’ll have to spend the night readjusting my boobs to make sure they don’t come out.”

She snickered at that. “No, you won’t.”

I stammered for another excuse. “It’s cold outside. My arms will freeze off.”

An eye roll this time. “I have a leather jacket.”

“My legs will be cold.”

“The date might be somewhere inside. And I have some thigh-high boots that match the jacket.”

I scoffed. “I…no.”

June laughed, ignoring my pleas. “Try it on and look in the mirror, then tell me no. If you don’t think it looks good on you, we’ll find something else.”

“Fine.” I slipped into the bathroom and put the dress on. Once I came out, she had already taken out the boots and the leather jacket. I stepped in front of the mirror and smoothed down the skirt. It shimmered as I moved left and right, taking in my reflection. June had a knack for dressing me. “It’s gorgeous. But, what if they are taking me to have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the forest?”

She sighed. “I would be surprised if they did that. Is there anything about the Three Kings that screamsany old date will doto you?”

“No. But I can’t see how they can go all out when we’re so restricted here.”

She laughed. “Well, they didn’t get here because they had a habit of keeping the rules and obeying the laws. Let’s put it that way.”

“They are trying to be good,” I said, remembering the conversation I had with Blaze. He promised his family and his brother that he would, and now they might be taking a chance for me. My phone buzzed. Should I call this whole thing off? They might be going to lengths and breaking rules that would not only get them kicked out of here but might jeopardize my place here. And I had nowhere else to go. “Maybe this is a bad idea.”

“Connecting with your mates is never a bad idea, Karelis.”
