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“Well, I’m sorry, but you’re more than welcome here.”

I’m too snarky and offended by Blackthroat to hide my uplifted eyebrow. “I don’t think your brother feels the same. He sent me to the servant’s quarters, and apparently, I’m not to show my face in his wing.”

Oops. I probably shouldn’t have vented. If she tells me this is where I belong, I will literally hike home right now in the blizzard.

But Ruby shakes her head. “No, that’s not it. These aren’t the servant’s quarters. He’s just pissed at me, and you got the brunt of it. He needs some space to cool off. Don’t take it personally.”

“I don’t usually, but I guess this time it got to me.”

“That’s because you’re literally trapped in our domain with nowhere to go.” Her sympathetic gaze only makes it worse. “Seriously, if you want to just hole up and avoid Brick for the rest of your time here, this place is big enough that you don’t even have to see him again.”

Huh. Now I get the feeling she’s trying to keep me in the servant’s quarters too.

The warmth she kindled drains from me, and I’m left cold again.

“Yeah, I think I’ll probably do that.”

She drifts to the door, hearing the finality in my tone. “Well, let me know if you need anything. Or check with Liz or Dane–they’re the caretakers.”

“I will. Thanks, Ruby.” I shut the door behind her and lean against it, my stomach bunched up at my solar plexus.


I don’t like the way this feels. Now… I do want to go home and not just because it’s Thanksgiving, and my mom will miss me.

Because I’m suddenly uncomfortable and out of my element and feeling about as small and welcome as a rodent.

I flop onto the bed and throw my arm across my eyes to block out the light. I wish it was already bedtime, and I could just sleep this whole thing off.



“You all right?” Vance hands me a beer and stands beside me.

I’m at the great window staring out into the darkness made light by the white snow still falling hard.

I ate dinner alone then holed myself up with the pups for a few hours to try to keep my rage at bay. I checked in with Liz to make sure Madison had eaten. She told me she had and that Ruby brought her clothes.

I can’t believe Madison showed up here in my helicopter through a snowstorm. I want to wring her delicate human neck for it.

No, I want to spank her juicy ass like I did in the conference room a few weeks ago. And end the reprimand in the same glorious way.

And that might be my biggest problem of all.

Not the fact that my mother, who I would prefer remained dead to me, is here. Not the fact that I’d like to murder my pilot for endangering the only assistant I could ever stand.

No, it’s more that I don’t know how I will make it through the night with her delicious scent penetrating this entire lodge. That’s why I asked Liz to put her as far from my bedroom as possible.

“No.”I answer Vance with a growl.

“Right. Dumb question. We’ve got two humans in the house to witness the most epic of shifter family dramas.”

I rub my forehead. “There will be nothing to witness.”There’d better not be.“And hopefully they’ll be gone in the morning.”

Even as I say it, I know it’s impossible. This storm shows no sign of stopping, and if there’s even a shred of danger to Madison, I won’t let Acker put her in that bird.

“Question. Are you more pissed that she endangered herself to get here or that we have to all play human for the weekend?”
