Page 65 of Taken By the Titan

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A titan doctor entered the room with the box, Kal looked at me, his eyes full of fear.

“It’s okay, little one.” I whispered to him; he couldn’t understand a word of what we had spoken before, so he was in the dark as to what was happening. “It’s a worm, it’s grown in our realm, and it has many medical uses.” I tried to explain to him to alleviate his fear. “You see, it may make it possible for you to carry my child.”

“What?!” Kal stumbled back and slammed against the cage.

“I know, crazy, right?” I smiled. “I don’t know how this will react to your body—”

“I’ll do it.” Kal breathed. “This can save you, right? That’s why they want me to do this. I’ll do whatever I have to.”


“What do I have to do?” He spoke to the council.

“Put it up your ass.” The redhead replied.

Kal snatched the small curled thing that pulsated in his hand. “Can I get some privacy?”


Kal sighed and turned to focus on me.

“That’s right.” I breathed. “It’s just the two of us. Block everyone out.”

He licked his fingers and I would have fucked him in this court in front of everyone if they did not separate us. He hiked up his tunic and pushed it inside.

He gasped and froze. “It’s crawling…” His chest heaved before doubling over in pain.


“It hurts…” He heaved and crumpled to the floor and he stopped moving and crying and there was nothing but the slow rise and fall of his chest. The guard opened the cage.

“He will be taken and examined thoroughly.” The young noble ordered.

I watched as they carried him away.

The minutes felt like hours. We waited and waited until the doctor entered the room again, this time without Kal, and I swallowed my heart. Had I gone too far? Was I too eager to believe that somehow Kal could grow old with me on my time because it sounded beautiful?

The doctor whispered in the noble’s ear. It was apparent who was the new King of Jötun. The redhead nodded, turned his attention to me. I didn’t care if they executed me right here and now, just tell me if Kal is okay.

“Thorsten. If you had to sentence yourself, what would it be?” The young noble asked. This was a trick question. It had to be, but I chose the only thing which mattered. If Kal was dead, then I was a dead man, anyway. But I remembered my promise to him, that our fate will not be a tragic one. That I will choose life.

“My sentence would be exile.” I said.

The nobles murmured yet again.

“My vote is no!” Freda sat back, shaking her head.

“My vote is also no.” Scribe chimed in.

“Send them back to their cells as we deliberate.” The young noble said.

I sat in my cell counting the small cracks until I was going to lose my mind. A guard arrived and cuffed me once more and escorted me from the cell.

We trekked the long halls until the lighting became dimmer. He guided me through a plain metal door, like something a servant would use, and we walked down the dirty narrow hall with an unkempt cement floor.

We weren’t going to the council room. I asked where he was taking me until he guided me out of one of the back exits of the castle and into a back alley lined with massive garbage bins. It was a cold and windy day; the winds blew the stench my way, but like a mirage I saw the most beautiful being alive waiting for me. A long black coat covered his body, and he wore simple servant shoes with no socks on. It was Kal, alive and unharmed.

The guard uncuffed me and I scooped him in my arms and held him close, smelling his sweet scent and kissing his lovely lips.
