Page 66 of Taken By the Titan

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“You’re really here.” I almost cried.

Was this some trick before they gunned us down by a firing squad?

The young red-haired noble appeared seemingly out of nowhere, but it was from the same exit the guard had used to bring me here. “You are exiled from Jötun City. If you come back, we will be forced to kill you.” He said without much emotion in his voice.

“Why am I free?” I asked, holding Kal close.

“In certain parts of human mythology, they speak of us and our war against Odin. They believed at one point that Ymir’s body created their world just as we know it created ours. Maybe one day we will discover how it’s possible for a human to accept the worm, form the womb, and live as long as we can. Perhaps they can be our fated ones and our friends. Death is the end of that question. And many of us were born here, and have been around humans our entire lives. It’s hard to think of someone as a pet when you know their hopes and dreams. I’m not saying things will change overnight or that we will breed with human women or men. But it is perhaps a start to better relations. Many of us also agreed that perhaps having a way to return to our ancestral home wouldn’t be such a terrible thing. I wish you both well.”

He turned and headed back inside. The doors closing and locking behind him was a beautiful sound.



It was over, this entire terrible ordeal was finally over. It was now just the two of us in each other’s arms in a dirty back alley of a city which almost chewed us up and spat us out.

“I think I can have kids.” I said, still dazed. The pain was horrible, but now gone and I felt nothing at all. My fever was gone, along with the malaise that came with it. I fiddled with my hair some more, feeling at the small bald spot. “They cut my hair.” I groaned.

“And yet you’re still the most beautiful man in the world.” Thorsten kissed me so softly and like always I enjoyed the taste and feel of his warm tongue. “I don’t think they will let me back into my apartment.” He laughed, and I joined him.

“We can try for Sahara.” I said hopefully. “I talked to my dad on the phone before those bastards took me. I say we get him and reach that place.”

“All of my assets are gone, I have no money for a ship, nor a vehicle to get us to your father. We have no map to lead us there.” He sounded annoyed, but I knew it wasn’t directed at me. He was used to making a call and getting everything he needed.

“Welcome to the world of a low life human.” I said with a small bow. “We’ll steal a car and hack whatever we need until we get everything we need.” I replied taking his hand wanting to get moving before an army popped out of nowhere to stop us. “We will wander until we find it, if we have to.”

“Hold on.” He stopped and swept me into his large arms. “I don’t want you walking around.”

I laughed. “Are you going to carry me all the way to this desert city?”

“If I have to.” We walked outside and several titans stopped in their tracks and watched us with disgust and disdain while others simply looked on.

But he wouldn’t let me go. A pleasant surprised waited for us at the gates to the city. It was Jaxon and my dad waiting for us by an old SUV.


Thorsten released me and I ran to him, giving him a big hug and felt relief when his hug was just as strong as it used to be before the spores appeared on his lungs.

“What’s this?” Thorsten said.

“We were planning to storm that damnable place.” My dad laughed.

“I’m glad you’re okay.” Jaxon almost hugged me but looked at Thorsten and bumped elbows instead.

My father approached and looked Thorsten up and down. “I can’t say I will ever fully trust titans. But thank you for helping me and for saving my son.” My father nodded. “Well, let’s get on the road before it gets dark.” He entered the back seat and waited.

“I just came to say goodbye.” Jaxon sighed.

“If you’re not coming with us, then where are you going?”

“The resistance isn’t dead. At least not yet. No offense.” He said to Thorsten.

“None taken.” Thorsten replied with a shrug.

“I wish you wouldn’t do this.”

“If I go to that place, I’m just not going to be happy.” He gave me a knowing look, and I didn’t argue with him. “See ya in another life.” Jaxon departed, leaving the three of us.

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