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“Yours,” I agreed. With a shaky breath, I adjusted my floral headband, squeezed my ass around the reassuring solidity of the plug, and put my shoulders back. “Do I look okay?”

“You look beautiful, baby.”

“Then let’s go.”

The dungeon, as Luke had called it, was really a divided-up warehouse with painted-over windows so that it looked abandoned from the outside.

The inside, though, was another story altogether.

The main room wasn’t that large and there weren’tthatmany people inside, but there were still more than I’d have imagined. Almost as many as a busy night at Lord Lindsey, the most popular dance club in town. In the center of the room, the otherwise wooden floors glowed with red lights set beneath squares of clear tiles, lighting up the bare legs and bodies I could see in the gloom, turning them a lurid pink.

The walls were painted red with black crown molding, and the ceiling was draped with silky red fabric. Two enormous fans circulated the air, causing the material to move in undulating waves. The effect was very dark, making it hard for me to see, even though we’d walked in from the early autumn night outside.

Music thrummed. It struck me that it wasn’t that different from what was played at my favorite gay club, Tilt-a-Whirl. The room felt dark and animalistic, the atmosphere highly sexual. The BDSM-flavored song “Master and Servant” by Depeche Mode took over from “Head Like a Hole” by Nine Inch Nails as we moved deeper into the room.

I clung to Luke’s hand, and he kept me close by his side. We definitely weren’t dressed for the occasion. Some men and women—in all sorts of pairings and groups—wore leather thongs, pants, and straps. Others wore nothing at all. One woman wore only a set of fake dog ears, and another wore just a swirl of gold paint on her nipples.

There were queer people there too. No one seemed to bat an eye over them. In fact, on the stage set up to the right of the main room, there was a man with an erection tied to a cross similar to the one in Luke’s basement letting another man snap a flogger against his thighs and chest.

“What do you think?” Luke yelled in my ear.

“It’s always been here? And I just never knew?”

“No. The police will shut this exact location down any day now. But the dungeon will just go to another warehouse, or to an old farmhouse in the countryside, or a house in the suburbs. The community finds a way to thrive.”

“Hey there, Luke,” a shirtless, wiry-haired older man greeted in a booming voice as we finally made it to the bar. “Long time, no see, buddy.” A small, thin man knelt at his feet, a bald spot gracing the back of his head. He kept his eyes on the floor.

“Baron, good to see you.” Luke nudged the kneeling man with the toe of his tennis shoe. “Willy, you good down there?”

The man didn’t look up, but he nodded.

“Willy’s getting too turned on watching all the fun tonight.” Baron laughed, flicking the side of the man’s head with his middle finger. Willy winced. “He knows better than to get hard for anyone but me.”

“Willy,” Luke scolded with a laugh.

“And who’s this?” the man asked, eyeing me up and down with a glint in his eye. “Pretty. Young. Fresh.”

“He’s mine,” Luke said, tugging me closer. “Name’s Mitchell.”

I snuggled in tighter, worried that this man might touch me. There was something about the way he smiled that I didn’t like.

“Well, you’re going to be popular around here, Mitchell,” Baron said with a snort.

“No, I’m not,” I said, lifting my chin. “I’m Luke’s. Just Luke’s.”

“Pity.” The man nudged Willy with his boot. “Right, Willy? You’d like to see me wank him, wouldn’t you?”

Willy’s dick, which had been half-hard, now pushed up to full mast. He nodded.

“Not happening,” Luke said, rolling his eyes. “We’re just here to see what the scene’s like these days.”

“Different than before,” Baron said with a sigh. “All kinds of rules now. You can spank, jerk off, fist, and torture—but no more sucking or fucking. They’ll kick you out. AIDS, you know.” He moved his hands around. “I mean we’ve probably all got it already, so I don’t see the point, but the club says it’s a liability.”

Luke and Baron chatted a little longer, and I scoped out the room. It was all so muchmorethan I’d anticipated. I wondered why I’d expected anything less.

“Hey, sorry, but have you seen Ryan?” Luke asked, interrupting Baron’s talk of HIV’s impact on the community.

I frowned, wondering who that might be. Why had Luke never mentioned this guy before? Was he someone Luke played with sometimes? I realized that while I’d said I didn’t want anyone to touch me, we hadn’t made any rules about people touchinghim.
