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“Who did that?” I said, indicating the handprints around hisneck.

“My lover.”

“Mm.” I drank my coffee. “Did you consent?”

Minty shrugged. “I didn’t fight back, so that’s as good as consent, isn’t it?”

“Not really.”

Minty’s jaw clenched. “Look, can we just skip the bullshit? I want pain. You like to give it. I need it now. Tonight.” He glanced around. “Where do you do it? In your bedroom? The basement?”

“I think you’ve already had some pain tonight.”

He snarled. “I want more.”

“And if you don’t get more?”

He slammed the coffee mug down. “What do you want from me? I signed the papers. I gave them to you already. I have the STD tests. I just need—” His voice cracked. “Please. I really need it.”

I took another taste of my coffee again before rising. I stood in front of him, close enough that he had to tilt his head way back to keep his eyes on mine. “There’s no way in hell we’re doing a formal scene tonight, but if you need some pain to stabilize you until we can meet and do this properly, I can do that.”

“Then do it!”

I slapped him. Hard enough that his head swung to the side, and when he looked up at me, a handprint blared across his pale cheek. Tears stood in his eyes. “Again,” he whispered.

I shook my head. “You’re not the boss here, little bitch.”

I grabbed his wet hair and tugged his head back, forcing his gaze up to mine again. I stepped forward into his space, forcing his legs to spread so I stood between his knees. “I am.”

He sneered, and my cock hardened so fast I felt dizzy. Such a brat. Christ.

“You know what a safe word is?”


“Yours is poodle.”

He blinked at me. “Why?”

“Because you remind me of one. All bark. No bite.”

“I bite.”

“Sure you do.”

On the table, in a neat little pile from where I’d used them to string up my laundry over the stove the day before—my dryer had gone out well over a month ago—were a heap of plastic clothespins. I picked one up and showed it to him. “Any objections?”

Glaring up at me, he held his peace.

I clipped one onto his earlobe, and then a second on his other ear. He hissed, but he didn’t move or jerk away. Opening the buttons on his blouse and spreading it wide over his pale chest, I felt my cock thud as his pink nipples appeared. He had almost no chest hair, and what was there was light and blond. I tilted his chin up.

“Sensitive here?”

He sneered. “Yes. Very.”

I smirked, and confirmed again, “Any objections?”

“Do it,” he gritted out.
