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“I don’t have my passport.”

“You’ve got connections you never knew you had, Lydia,” Harper said as he followed her inside. The crew closed the door. The jet did a taxi turn and the revved. In seconds, they were airborne.

Harper’s team was high-fiving and regretting the fact that they’d not brought along some beer or fine Italian wine to celebrate. Lydia was getting nervous with all the bravado.

“Come on. I’ll give you some privacy. Just a couple, maybe three of hours to go, but you can sleep in the rear. It’s more quiet.”

She got up, still wrapped in the blanket. He searched for and found some pillows, lowered arm rests in a row, placed the pillows down, and motioned for her to sit then lie down. He pulled the blanket loosely around her, added another, and carefully removed her shoes on those tiny feet of hers. She was wearing red nail polish. It made him chuckle.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“You always wore red nail polish on your toes. So funny you would remember that.”

“I didn’t. I just chose. I like the color red.”

He smiled gently down on her while sitting on the armrest across the aisle. “I know.”

She rolled onto her back, pulling the blanket up to her chin. He brought down another pillow for her to set her feet on as she was slightly longer than the row of seats. He squeezed her feet, one at a time, but stopped there.

She was still watching him. “What will happen to me?”

“I don’t know. You’ll be held for interviews. Did you do anything you shouldn’t have?”

She pulled her arm under her head to prop up slightly. “I got a speeding ticket and then forgot to show up for the court date. I ran over the neighbor’s chicken, that foul old thing used to poop all over my car. One day, I left the hose running all day.”

He couldn’t get enough of her aura from where he sat. That she would even think these would be infractions amazed him. One thing he did notice was that she had become more docile. He remembered her being fearless, willing to take on challenges. He imagined with everything she had experienced both before and after her ordeal, she didn’t trust herself. He didn’t blame her for that.

“I think you’ll be fine.”

“What was I like?”

It almost brought tears to his eyes. “The best woman. The kindest, most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. You were the first one I really fell in love with. I used to think it would never happen to me.”

“And then I was gone. It must have been hard for you.”

He couldn’t look her in the eyes when he answered, “You could say that.” He checked on the guys up front, who had suddenly gotten quiet. He suspected many of them had retreated into their earbuds, playing their favorite music.

“Do you remember anything at all? You said you got glimpses, strange dreams. What did you dream about? Anything from your previous life? Our previous life? Did you recognize me at the cart?”

“I wish I could say I remembered you, your face, but I didn’t, Harper. I’m sorry for that. I saw a lot of flowers in my dreams. It gave me the idea to start gardening. No one taught me. Maybe I remembered that from before. No one taught me to speak English, either, and yet I started talking just as soon as I was awake.”

“They’ll probably recommend hypnotherapy and other treatments. In time, you might remember some things. If it’s been two-plus years, I doubt it will all come back.”

“Where will you be?”

“I’ll be in California with my team. Or up in Sonoma County at my house.”

“Will I get to see it some day?”

He was literally shaking on the inside. It took everything he had not to do something inappropriate, like hug her so hard he’d knock her breath out.

“I’d like to show you. When they are through with you. And you do know they may need to hold you for a time. Lipori was a very high-level terrorist, causing the loss of life to many people during his reign. He associated with lots of other criminals and terrorists. He must have brought people by the villa. They might want help from you. Just consider this. Helping them get their answers will speed up the time when you can be cleared. I’ll be available by phone, if it’s allowed.”

“You mean, unless I’m incarcerated.”

“I can’t promise that. Just like you wanting to remember, I can’t lie and tell you I know how it’s all going to work out. We’ll take it one day at a time. But I’m not going anywhere. I just can’t interfere with the process. You understand?”

She nodded. Her eyes were glazing over. He’d bored her to death. After she started snoring, he pulled the blanket under her chin and let her sleep.
