Page 45 of Harvest Moon

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“First time in Bluefern?” Caspian asked. “Haven’t seen you around.”

“I’m here for a few weeks visiting,” he said. “I live in Denver.”

“We met in graduate school,” Arabella said in her clear, gentle voice. “He’s working at a practice in Denver.”

“Thus our long-distance situation,” Ryan said. “I’m hoping to convince Bella here to return to civilization with me.”

“You know I can’t,” Arabella said, sharply.

“I know, babe. It was just a joke.”

“My father’s condition is hardly funny,” Arabella said.

I exchanged a glance with Caspian, who widened his eyes slightly.

“Would you like to sit with us?” I asked, realizing how rude we were being.

“No, thank you,” Arabella said, lifting her dainty chin. “We know we’re not truly welcomed by all.”

“You got that right,” Rafferty said under his breath.

“Excuse me?” Arabella said. “Did you say something?”

“No, don’t think so.” Rafferty looked up at her with an innocent expression. “Enjoy your night.”

“Nice to meet you,” Ryan said.

“You as well,” Caspian said politely.

They walked away, taking a table in the corner. Cute couple. She was gorgeous with her sleek brown hair and beautiful skin. Her date wasn’t hard to look at either, other than the whole Doberman thing. He wasn’t in the same league as the Moon brothers, in my opinion. However, that was a high bar.

“Poor guy,” Rafferty said.

“What do you care?” Caspian asked.

“Other than the hope he might get her to move to Denver, I don’t.” Rafferty shrugged a shoulder.

Thad reappeared at the table, carrying a tray of tequila shots.

“Good thing we have tomorrow off,” Caspian said, winking at me.

Heat flooded my body at the intimate nature of that wink, as if we shared a private joke.

“Thinking the same thing,” I said.

Thad distributed the shots around the table. Everyone took one except for Rafferty. “I’ll drive all you idiots home,” he said.

“Good man,” Thad said, clapping him on the back before taking a seat.

From the other end of the table, Soren raised his shot glass. “Here’s to true love and one of the good guys winning the heart of a wonderful woman.”

“Here, here,” Thad said.

We clinked glasses with whoever was closet to us. I touched my glass to Rafferty’s beer mug and then Caspian’s.

I tossed back the tequila, knowing it would burn, and followed up with some lime and salt to ease the pain.

“Awful,” I said.
