Page 61 of Harvest Moon

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“Because it’s new. And private,” I said. “So don’t make a big thing about it. And I don’t want to hear a lecture about not dating employees, because I already know it’s risky.”

“You guys don’t date employees?” Sammie asked. “Ever?”

“There are exceptions,” I said quickly. “If there’s something special between people.”

“Like you and Elliot,” Sammie said. “I knew it.”

Since she’d almost caught us kissing, it hadn’t been the best-kept secret. In the week since, we’d kept our feelings low-key, not wanting to tip off the other employees. Not easy. The anticipation of kissing her, finally, had been forefront in my mind all week, regardless of the dinner special.

Thad jerked to his feet, stomping across the kitchen to dump the rest of his coffee in the sink. “Itisa big deal since she works for us, whether you want to admit it or not. We have to think about our family business.”

I narrowed my eyes, taking in his pinched, miserable expression. Something was going on with him, but I wasn’t certain what. It was not like him to tout business over love. Furthermore, why was he looking online for a date when he clearly liked Sammie? Was he warning himself or me to stay away from employees?

I looked over at Soren to gauge his reaction. He shrugged casually but his expression was one of caution. “Be careful. That’s all. We’re a lawsuit away from losing our ranch.”

That was an exaggeration, but I understood his point. I rubbed my forehead, an uncomfortable feeling in my gut. Was this why I hadn’t told them? I didn’t want to hear what they had to say? Especially since it was true. “Maybe this is a mistake.”

“No way are you backing out.” Sammie waved a spatula in my direction. “Fear gets us nowhere in life. If you want her, you’re going to have to make some big-boy decisions.”

All three of us stared at her. Only Chloe seemed oblivious to the unusual aggressiveness in her mother’s voice and demeanor.

She plopped scrambled eggs onto two plates. “Thad, if you didn’t feel chemistry with the attorney, then you shouldn’t ask her out again and get her hopes up.”

“Maybe she doesn’t even want to go out with him again,” Soren said.

“She already texted this morning,” Thad said.

“Of course she did,” Sammie said. “She’s obviously smart if she’s a hotshot lawyer. All of you Moon brothers are a catch. Any woman would see that immediately.”

“You sound like Mama right now,” Soren said to Sammie. “In more ways than one.”

Thad nodded, his mouth turned downward. “Yeah, completely.”

“She’s rubbing off on me.” A note of wistfulness made Sammie’s voice breathier than usual. “I never had anyone like her to give me advice. Maybe I’d have made better choices if I had.”

“Mama has a lot to say,” Soren said. “Sometimes more than I want to hear.”

Thad and I nodded. “But she’s almost always right,” I said.

“What’s your mom like?” Thad asked Sammie, with a hint of caution in his voice.

“She left us. I was raised by my dad.” Sammie set a plate of eggs in front of Chloe. “Eat these, please.”

Chloe eyed the scrambled eggs suspiciously before picking up her fork and scooping up a small amount.

“Is your dad still around?” I asked Sammie.

“If byaroundyou mean sitting in his easy chair drinking Budweisers, then yes.” Still standing, Sammie ate a bite of her eggs, staring down at her plate. “And I don’t want to talk about him, so please don’t ask anything further.”

I exchanged a look with my brothers in silent agreement that we would not upset her with more nosy inquiries. We all cared about Sammie and Chloe. Whatever had sent her packing was her own business, yet I felt certain Thad and Soren wished they could help, as did I. For now, though, she’d put up a boundary and we were bound to comply.

I smacked my hands lightly on the counter. “Sammie, your suggestion is brilliant. I’m going to call Elliot and see if she would want to go on a picnic.”

“Picnic?” Chloe asked. “When?”

“Not today,” Sammie said. “We have church.”

“Tad will take me,” Chloe said.
