Page 80 of Harvest Moon

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I really hoped I was right. And that they came for us before he returned.

Just then, the sound of a helicopter overhead drew our attention skyward.

“They’re looking for us,” Heather said. “Has to be.”

I nodded, afraid to say anything further and jinx us. Now we would wait. And pray.



By that evening, I was home with my family. Mama had insisted I stay still and rest. Without the strength to protest, both from pain and painkillers, I succumbed to her wishes, and soon found myself sprawled out on the recliner in our family room. Helpless to do anything that would save Elliot, I was like a caged, maimed animal covered in a quilt.

All the Moons, other than Atticus and Annie, who were still on their honeymoon, gathered around the television. Sammie and Chloe had been waiting at the house for my arrival home from the hospital. Finley, who had been holding down the fort at the ranch while Thad had been with me in the hospital, stopped by with a pan of lasagna. No one was hungry, but Mama had her stick it in the refrigerator for later. Finley stayed to wait it out with the rest of us. We had the television set to the local station, hoping for news. However, since the earlier press announcement, there had been no updates from the police department. Instead the news reports rehashed the same speculations, including airing photographs of Russo, Elliot, and Heather Douglas, encouraging anyone with information to call the police tip line.

Walsh had assigned two police officers to keep watch over our house and property, including the innocent guests staying in the cabins.

Mama had decided it was best not to call Atticus, since I was clearly going to live. I hoped he wouldn’t hear about the abduction through the news or internet. Knowing Atticus and Annie, they would abandon their honeymoon and head home at the first hint of distress. Hopefully, this would be over soon and we could tell them the whole story after we had a happy ending to report.

The painkillers made my head fuzzy and my eyelids heavy. Despite my wishes otherwise, I drifted in and out of sleep.

At eight, Walsh called. They’d had a tip from a store clerk that claimed Russo had been in earlier to buy supplies. In addition, a police chopper spotted a car coming down the driveway that afternoon and returning an hour later. They felt certain Russo was keeping Elliot and the other woman there. A SWAT team would invade quietly and take him down in a sneak attack. He’d assured us they would proceed with caution during the raid, knowing there were two women probably tied up and unable to defend themselves.

“What if he saw the helicopter?” Rafferty asked. “He could take them somewhere else.”

Or hurt them. Or, in desperation, kill them.

Fear sliced through me and then came back around to hold me in its viselike grip.

“Sounds like they have it staked out pretty well,” Pop said. “I don’t think he’s getting out of there, with or without Elliot and her sister.”

Mama sat on the arm of my chair, absently stroking my hand. “We must have faith.”

“I’m scared,” I said out loud.

“We all are,” Pop said. “But your mother’s right. We have to trust that God’s protecting them.”

The hour dragged on. Twilight arrived outside the windows, insects dancing in the orange light as daylight faded. Inside, Rafferty paced around the room. Chloe had fallen asleep in Thad’s lap, with Sammie sitting next to them on the couch playing with the cross around her neck. Soren and Pop stood by the front window, checking their phones every sixty seconds for updates. Finley sat on the floor with her back against the couch occasionally dabbing at her eyes with a tissue.

The pain in my shoulder returned as the painkillers wore off, but I didn’t mention it to anyone. I’d rather be hurting than foggy.

By nine, the sky was a deep purple with a few stars appearing. By nine thirty, it was dark. Time for the invasion to begin.

I shifted, and a dart of pain surged in my shoulder, and I whimpered involuntarily.

Mama, who had remained on the arm of my chair, rose to her feet. “Are you in pain? I’ll give you another pill.”

“No, I have to stay awake,” I said weakly.

Rafferty appeared by my side, sticking a thermometer in my mouth before I could stop him. Seconds later, it beeped. Rafferty took a second to read the results before assuring Mama that I was not feverish. “No infection,” he said. “But he’s recovering from a bullet wound, so there’s bound to be pain without meds.”

I closed my eyes as the throbbing continued. When I opened them, Mama stood over me holding a glass of water and one of the white pills. “You need to take this. I’ll make sure to keep you informed, even if I have to douse you with cold water.”

“Please don’t do that,” I said, meekly taking the pill from her outstretched hand and swallowing it with a gulp of water.

Pop’s cell phone rang, causing us all to jump.

“Yeah, hello,” Pop said, nodding toward Mama and me. “It’s Walsh.”
