Page 16 of Torn

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Mateo really should hire less conspicuous muscle if he wanted to keep his little flesh trade business going.

“What are you looking at?” the one with the neck tattoo asked.

Michael pulled me to a stop at the van door, his fingers biting into my flesh. “Be careful with this one. She’s feisty.”

He didn’t know the half of it. If the playing field were a little more even, he’d be on the ground holding his balls right now. But no, the big dangerous man needed chains and a cattle prod to keep little old me in line. What a pathetic sack of human flesh.

Then there was Carrot Top off to the left, taking his time looking me over, his heavy-lidded gaze making my skin crawl. Not that I’d ever let him, or any of the rest of these jokers, know they had any effect on me. So, I lifted my chin a fraction as I glared back.

“You know I like the ones who haven’t realized they’re completely fucked yet.”

“Yeah,” Tattoo Neck added. “Once Boris is done with them, they’re never the same. It sucks all the fun out of it for the rest of us.”

Michael chuckled as he shoved me face first into the van. “Damn. I better catch up to her on the next rotation then, otherwise I’ll miss out on all the fun.”

Before any of those assholes had the chance to lay a finger on me, I squirmed the rest of the way into the van and rolled onto my side facing the door. There was no way I was staying ass up around these clowns. If they were planning on trying anything, I wanted to see it coming. But Michael only looked over and winked at me before he slid the van door shut, encasing me in darkness. How I hated that fucktwat.

The murmur of their voices moved away from the door, and I hurriedly rocked my shoulders back and forth against the soft shag carpeting that covered the floor of the van. When my head bumped into the passenger seat, I contorted my body to the side and groped around underneath it. I was trying to find something, anything, that I might use later to defend myself.

All I felt, though, was carpet. Disappointed, but not willing to give up yet, I scooted down until I felt the metal base of the driver’s seat. My hand stretched, nothing but soft carpeting meeting the pads of my fingertips.

The voices outside became louder as the men rounded the front of the van, and frantically I slid my hand back and forth over the carpet. Right when I was about to admit defeat, I felt it.

A loose screw wasn’t exactly the weapon I’d been hoping for, but I closed my hand around it anyway, and slid back into place just as the passenger door swung open.

Light filled the van, and it rocked as Tattoo Neck slid inside, looking over his shoulder at me. “Be a good girl and maybe I’ll wait to take you to Boris.”

Carrot Top opened the other door midway through his sentence and looked over at his partner. He shook his head as he sat down and closed the door, encasing us in darkness once again.

“Man, I thought you’d learned your lesson after the last girl we dropped off,” he grumbled, starting the van.

The lights in the dash illuminated half of Tattoo Neck’s face as he spoke. “I like to live dangerously. Besides, watching this one become a hollow shell feels like such a waste. What do you want to bet she’s a hellcat in the sack?”

Carrot Top blew out a breath. “You’re probably right, but the boss has a hard-on for this one. You want to take a chance on pissing him off?”

The leather seat squeaked as Tattoo Neck turned to face the front. “Not really.”

“Didn’t think so. Shame or not, we’re taking her directly to Boris.”

From the sound of things, I needed to be on my A game with Boris. Since they no longer seemed inclined to stop the van to fuck with me, I shut my eyes and tried to get some rest. Something told me it might be a long time before I had the chance again.

The van’s door slid open, jerking me awake. Bright light hit me square in the face, blinding me, my chains rattling as I lifted a hand up to shield my eyes. Someone stepped in front of the door, blocking all the light, their shadow swallowing me whole.

I blinked to clear the spots from my eyes and tilted my head back to have a look at the newest asshole. Big mistake. A shiver of dread worked its way down my spine as I gazed into the darkest, coldest eyes I’d ever seen. This had to be the Boris I’d heard so much about.

“I think you missed your calling,” I snarked.

The slight tremor I couldn’t keep out of my voice took away from the badass image I was going for, but I couldn’t help it. He freaked me out in a way no one else ever had.

“Is that so?”

His calm velvety voice echoed back to me, almost making me lose my nerve. Unlike my old friend, Michael, this man’s cruelty wasn’t hidden beneath a mask of beauty. No, it was out there for all the world to see. He was literally a giant, walking, talking warning label for women everywhere.

“All you’d have to do is paint yourself green and you could be a body double for theJolly Green Giant. The royalties from public appearances alone would be astronomical.”

He lifted a brow, making his already elongated head look like somethingPicassomight have painted. The muscles in his thick neck bulged, a popping noise making me wince as he turned his neck first one way and then the other.

“Let’s see how jolly you think I am, or how smart that mouth of yours is, after spending a few days with me.”
