Page 31 of Torn

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A fine sheen of sweat now coated Switch’s arms, neck, and face, and damn if I didn’t want to lick it off. Why did his white T-shirt have to cling to his broad shoulders and showcase the hard slabs of muscle lining his stomach? Maybe men were onto something with this wet T-shirt contest business.

I should be enjoying the view, not obsessing about how many times he’d had to lean over Delilah to reposition her arms. But jealousy was a beast I couldn’t seem to escape, at least not where Switch was concerned.

For Christ’s sake, there wasn’t even anything sexual about the way he taught her to defend herself. His lips moved before he reached for her every time, he only touched her when it was absolutely necessary, then he’d quickly drop his hands, and back away. The care and respect he showed for what she’d been through should have warmed my heart, not burned my gut.

Every time his skin touched hers, though, I wanted to stomp over there and yank her away from him by the hair. Yup, I was a special kinda wrong or going straight to hell. Who the fuck knew, maybe both.

“Why don’t you join them?” Brandy suggested from behind me.

Shit. She’d caught me staring. Switch and his stupid muscles distracted me when I got up to refill my glass. The sad part was I had no idea how long I’d been staring out the window for. Double shit, the glass in my hand was still empty.

“Nah. I need to finish going through those mugshots.”

Hopefully, she’d take the hint and shut up about my momentary lapse in sanity.

“You already recognized one of them this morning, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find the rest. These idiots are all probably friends on social media, anyway. Go.”

No such luck. She’d pounced on that shit like a cheetah on a rabbit.

“You’ve been doing all the hard work, which I love you for, by the way, so the least I can do is make myself useful while I keep you company.”

Before I could become distracted again by my hormones, or the jealousy they seemed to cause, I turned away from the window and refilled my glass.

Right now, my hormones and I were at war, and I wasn’t sure who was going to win. How could I have nightmares about one man and then turn around the next day and be rubbing my legs together for another? If you asked me, that shit wasn’t normal. But then again, I’d never been much of a rule follower. I mean, I hadn’t exactly grown up with an accountant for a father.

“Remember when you told me not to get dickmatized and wind up like you?”

“That sounds like something I’d say.” I plopped back down in my chair and looked over at her. “Though, I’m still not sure why you didn’t take such solid advice. I still maintain that a rabbit vibrator might not be as pretty as that nine-inch dick you’re fond of riding, but it’ll still get the job done. And a rabbit won’t cause you any problems.”

How I’d missed fucking with her and watching her turn that adorable shade of pink. The thought that if things had been different, and they hadn’t found me in time, that I might never have seen her blush again hit me like a ton of bricks. My stomach did a flip, and I gulped down some water hoping everything would stay where it was supposed to.

“Are you okay?” She cocked her head to the side, her golden eyes assessing me. “You got this faraway look on your face and then you got really pale.”

“Sure.” I shook off my disturbing thoughts and plastered on a smile. “Why wouldn’t I be? We were talking about nine-inch dicks and rabbits.”

Her blush went from that cute shade of pink to more of a nuclear red. “Yes, well, I was going to say that since you’vealready felt the pain from being dickmatized, what’s the harm in getting a little something out of it.”

She couldn’t possibly be suggesting I fuck Switch. The man who left me. The man who broke my heart. For fuck’s sake, she didn’t like or trust any man outside of Hunter.

“Have you lost your fucking mind?”

“Hear me out.” She held up her hands in surrender. “The man obviously wants you. Why else would he be spending his nights on my porch swing. You must still want him since you’ve had your face pressed against my window, drooling, for the last ten minutes. You have the chance to go back and make it worth the pain. So, why don’t you?”

Make it worth the pain. That was what I’d made her promise when she refused to listen to my warnings about Hunter. Now the crafty bitch was using my own words against me. Wasn’t that some shit. My own best friend. But could she possibly be right?

Switch had already brought my body back to life against my will and offered me the use of his dick. I’d only be taking him up on his offer. If it was even still on the table. We’d been down this road before, and there was too much at stake now for me to become distracted with feelings. That was all it could be, fucking.

“Maybe,” I finally mumbled, so she’d quit staring at me.

Her focus returned to the laptop in front of her, which was my cue to stop thinking about Switch’s dick and get back to work. With Brandy’s help, there was no way I was going to fail. My bestie could rule the world with a couple clicks of her mouse, but I’d settle for taking away the source of these assholes power. Their money.

It was only a matter of time before we traced the muscle back to the brains of the operation. Then these men would payfor what they’d done, and I’d make sure they could never hurt another woman again.

Click. Another stranger, another faceless name in the crowd. Click. More of the same. Fuck, was this tedious. Click. Click. Click.

The door behind me opened, and I looked over my shoulder, ignoring the image on my screen, my hand hovering over the mouse. Delilah’s face was frozen. Her dark eyes were wide, her pupils twin black holes that sucked you in. Her porcelain skin had gone from having a decidedly rosy hue from being outdoors to bleached of all color.

