Page 38 of Torn

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Which was why Brandy and I were sitting in front of our laptops at her kitchen table. She was doing whatever the hell it was super genius computer nerds did while I clicked through more mugshots. Only this afternoon, I had help in the form of a silent shadow breathing down my neck.

Switch had moved on from self-defense to shooting, and now that Delilah could hit the broad side of a barn, she thought she wasLara Croftor something. If Delilah went after these men on her own, she wouldn’t last a minute.

Switch was right to help her, I just didn’t want her thinking she was invincible now that she’d learned a few moves. These men didn’t fight fair, and knowing how to fight and shoot hadn’t helped me. She would need to outsmart them.

Click. Click. Click.

“Wait, go back. That guy looked familiar.”

Click. Well, I’ll be damned. How the hell had I missed old Carrot Top? I pressed the print button. Maybe Switch was right to get her all fired up. I’d just have a chat with her later about never underestimating your opponent.

“I don’t believe it,” Brandy said breathlessly, sitting back in her chair, and staring at her screen.

“Okay, genius, we give up,” I teased her. “Found all the safe houses? The man behind all this shit? Honestly, I could go either way given your skill set.”

She looked over at me, a small smile teasing the corner of her lip. “Not yet, smartass, but I found out who sent Hunter that email. It took me a while to get past all the layers of encryption, but it came from the CIA.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yup. More specifically, from Martin Johns over at the CIA. Jules must have asked him to send it for him because he didn’t want to risk blowing his cover.”

What I didn’t want to tell Brandy, especially in front of Delilah, was that Jules being the sender of that email actually made perfect sense. He knew what he was risking when he let those men take us, and if they killed him, he needed a way to get me out of the mess he’d gotten me into. He must have sent that invitation to Hunter as a backup plan and thank fuck he did.

I moved to stand behind her, Delilah following me. “Do you have a way of hacking into Martin Johns’s email?”

“Hypothetically speaking, now that I have his IP address, I could use it to test the ports until I found one that let me into his computer. But I have a strict policy of finding out why I’m committing a felony before I actually do it.”

“Now who’s the smartass, huh,” I said with a smack to her shoulder. “Jules wouldn’t have communicated with this guy via email from the field, but it’s possible this guy forwarded any updates Jules gave him to a superior via email.”

“Gotcha, you want to check his sent items folder to find out what Jules knew.”

She started pounding away on her keyboard. Damn, I loved this girl. It’s not just any friend who would commit a felony for you.

A screen within her screen popped up, and it all looked like gibberish to me. Everyone should be scared. My bestie could totally take over the world if she wanted to.

Something beeped, and then I was staring at this guy’s email. Hot damn! We looked over Brandy’s shoulder as she scrolled through his sent folder. After a few minutes, she stopped and clicked on one to enlarge it.

“Looks like it’s a list of names of people Antonio did business with.”

“Can you screenshot it or something?”

“I’ll do you one better.” A second later, I heard the printer whirring, and she looked down at her watch. “Better get out of his email before someone figures out that they’ve been breached. We can always hack into their system again later if this list doesn’t pan out.”

“Did I ever tell you I fucking love you?”

“No, but the feeling is mutual.”

I picked up the paper off the printer and started scanning through the names. Most of the people on this list I recognized from my time with Antonio and quickly dismissed, but that still left five names. It shouldn’t take too long to check these people out.

Wait, damn, I didn’t have my bike. What in the hell was I going to do now? It wouldn’t do any good to send to Hunter because it’s not like he’d recognize any of these people. I suppose he could text me photos but fuck that. I’d been cooped up here looking at mugshots practically since I came back, and this was something that only I could do.

If I had to ride with someone, which by the way I hated, I’d much rather it be Switch than Hunter. Now, all I had to do was find him and talk him into it.



Stel was already mentally pulling away from me and shoring up her defenses before I’d even slipped my dick out of her. Fuck that. She wasn’t getting away that easily. Not after I finally had her the way I’d always wanted, and it was beyond anything I could have ever envisioned.
