Page 50 of Torn

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“Yes, well, I’m afraid my friends, Los Sepultureros, are a little overzealous in their hatred. You understand. No?”

He watched me carefully, waiting to see my reaction. Interesting. Antonio wasn’t sure if I knew who Mateo was. Unfortunately for him, I had an excellent poker face.

“Interesting choice of friends given you were fucking the daughter of their rival don’t you think?”

“Our association is regrettable.” A note of annoyance crept into his carefully orchestrated neutral tone. “They can’t even do a drive by without screwing it up. Then I do Marco a favor and hand him his revenge on a silver platter and what does he do? Let you get away. No wonder The Deviants have always come out on top.”

The sound of a gunshot rang out in his small office, a string of curses leaving his lips as his arms fell from the back of the couch. He pressed a hand to his thigh where red was taking over the gray of his dress pants, hatred burning in his gaze.

His teeth clenched, he bit out, “You fucking shot me.”

“Felt fantastic, too. I wish I could stay longer and torture you, but I’m afraid your little girlfriend might tattle on me. So, I really must kill you now and be on my way.”

He threw his head back and laughed. Well, that wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for. You’d think he’d at least be apprehensive. Maybe I needed to be scarier. So, I shot him in the chest this time.

His laughter died as I cocked my gun and took aim, this time at his head.

One minute he was sitting on the couch, and in the next he was reaching underneath the coffee table, a glint of silver catching my eye as he raised his hand.

It was then I realized my mistake. When I no longer had the element of surprise on my side, I’d lost the upper hand. Antonio had been toying with me the whole time. He wanted me to know all the ways he’d fucked me over before he pulled the trigger. Before he ended things for good.

He fired, the sound of his gunshot ringing in my ears, my breath leaving me in a rush as I was tackled to the ground. A heavy weight blanketed me, pressing me into the floor, pain radiating out from my hipbone.

I turned my head to find a pair of cinnamon eyes glaring down at me. His mouth was a flat hard line and his nostrils flared. The look on his face promised pain and punishment, and my body responded. Only, it wasn’t fear that I felt.

“I’m going to tell you how this is going to go. You’re going to take the bullet out of my shoulder, drop to your knees, and choke on my cock. After I’ve finished coming down your pretty little throat, I’m going to flip you over, tan your ass red, and then fuck you into the mattress while you scream that you’ll never pull a stunt like this again. You feel me?”



When Pops told me Stel took Brandy’s car, I knew exactly where she was headed. Luckily, I arrived just in time. Antonio had his gun pointed at my reason for living.

Our bullets left the chamber at the same time, and I dove for Stel, turning myself into a human shield. If I had to do it all over again, I’d take the bullet that was meant for her. Every damn time.

That didn’t mean she was off the hook. Far from it. I meant what I told her on the floor of Antonio’s office.She would pay for this little stunt of hers. She needed to understand that she was living not only for herself, but for me as well.

Hunter had given me some pills that made my pain manageable after Stel finished stitching me up. Her technique could damn near rival that of an ER nurse by this point, so I knew my wound would heal, leaving behind only a faint line where the bullet had entered.

Stel’s mom never had the stomach for patching Mad Dog up, so Stel had taken over that job at the tender age of eight. Pretty soon she was sewing up Pops, Dagger, and anyone else who needed it. She never was one to shy away from anything, be it bullets, blood, guns, or even making up for my shoulder wound.

My hand threaded through her blond hair, setting the pace as her head bobbed up and down. Her honey eyes were glued to my face, watching my every reaction. She was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen, sprawled between my legs, her round, peach-shaped ass in the air.

Lord have mercy. The sight before me almost made it worth getting shot. Almost. But not quite. There was still the matter of her punishment, but first, we needed to get something straight.

The pout on her lips as I pulled her off my cock made my lips pull up into a smirk. “Lie across my stomach, ass up, ready to receive your punishment.”

She raised a blond brow but complied. I took a moment to stare at her ass, ’cause damn, before I spoke again.

“Repeat after me.”

She turned her head, her long hair falling over her shoulder.

“I will never again be careless with my life.”


She sucked in a breath through her teeth and repeated my words.
