Page 56 of Torn

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“Oh, I wouldn’t say that.” My heart kicked into overdrive at the sound of Switch’s voice in the darkness. “I’m pretty handy with a gun, too.”

He’d come for me. Just like he said he would. Part of me was relieved because frankly, I wasn’t ready to die, but mostly I was afraid. Switch was a hell of a shot, but nobody could outrun a bullet. It seemed cruel that after all these years, I finally had him, only to lose him.

“Ah, you have a champion, I see. And a foolish one at that.” He whistled, and another figure took shape out in the darkness, the sound of a gun cocking loud in the still night air. “Check mate, Miss McKenzie.”


Another gun cocked. “If I were you, Mr. Fancy Pants, I’d call off your dog. No need for him to die along with you.”

I’d never been happier to hear my father’s voice in all my life. Until Stephen Day laughed. Then an icy shiver of dread slid down my spine.

“You’re even more stupid than I thought if you believe he’s the only man I brought with me.”

“Now, I think I’ve had just about enough of you insulting my family,” Pops’s southern drawl came from the opposite direction.

“I might only be a Neanderthal, but I’d say what we have here is a good old-fashioned standoff,” my father said. “What do you think, Hunter?”

“To have a standoff I believe they’d need to have more men.”

Hunter’s bored voice sounded like it came from beside that asshole, Day. His indrawn breath a second later confirmed my suspicions.

“Who’s the dummy now,” my father taunted, his tone smug.

“Stel?” Switch was asking what I wanted them to do. I preferred to show them.

The porch swing rocked backward as I stood, my bare feet soundless on the wood as I came down Hunter’s steps. When I was close enough to smell the asshole’s breath, I held out my hand, and someone placed a blade in the center of my palm. I tested its weight before pushing it against Stephen Day’s fleshy neck.

“I hope you enjoy your stay in hell, Mr. Day.”



I looked up at the clubhouse as I ground the butt of my cigarette underneath my boot. Ryder was expecting me to attend church this afternoon, though I couldn’t imagine why. We’d burned the last of the safe houses, killed all the men involved with the human trafficking ring, and reunited the women with their families.

Hunter and I disposed of the last of the bodies the night before, though he was less than enthusiastic about waxingnostalgic while we dug holes. Not that Hunter ever got excited about much of anything.

Nomads didn’t have the right to vote, but we were still members, so nobody, not even a club president, could ask us to leave. Which Ryder already knew, so he couldn’t be calling me up here on club business or to kick me out. I suppose he could ask me to stay away from Stel, but I think we both knew what my answer to that was going to be. What in the hell else was there?

Cherry smiled and waved when she saw me, while Valentina did a half turn on her barstool, nodded, then turned right back around. Ryder had always liked his women bitchy, so I got the attraction there, but how the ice princess and cheerleader barbie wound up being friends was beyond me. Girls like Valentina ate girls like Cherry for breakfast, they didn’t befriend them.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall tomorrow when Delilah got thrown in with these two. It would be something akin to a wolf, a bunny, and a mole all hanging out together in the woods. Voluntarily, I might add since the wolf and the bunny did say they’d keep an eye on our fragile little mole while Brandy and Stel were down in the shop. None of us trusted Delilah to be by herself, and she didn’t leave for the facility she picked out in Arizona until next week.

Shaking my head at myself for my woodland creature’s comparison, I headed for the murmur of male voices. Damn, I must be more tired than I thought after last night.

Like the first time I walked into church hell-bent on rescuing my girl, everyone turned and stared. You’d think the novelty of me being at the table would have worn off by now.

Then again, maybe they’d been expecting to see Stel? Ryder hadn’t asked for her, so I assumed he wanted to talk to me. But it was possible I’d misunderstood him.

“You want me to go downstairs and get Stel?”

Ryder shook his head. “Nah. She’s got a lot of catching up to do down in the shop.”

“We’re just not used to seeing only one half of Stwitch, anymore,” Tweak said with a grin as he looked down at the phone in his lap.

I was probably going to regret asking this question, but what the hell.

