Page 52 of Virtuous Vows

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“Do you want me to show you?” he asks, leaning in.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, let’s go back to your place, and I’ll show you how good it feels.”

A short laugh escapes me. “So now that I’m not a virgin, you’re willing to fuck me?”

“Yes,” he answers without hesitation.

I want to laugh again, but I can’t. The sheer desire and lack of hesitation have me heating in places that have hungered for Dawson since the day I met him.

This back and forth between us. Constant desire and denial. It’s fucked-up.

But maybe dabbling in a little danger wouldn’t be all that bad. I mean, I called him here, didn’t I? Do I really only want to talk?

“Okay,” I say quietly but try to nonchalantly shrug it off.

If this man can promise all the dark and feel-good things, then shouldn’t I have a little taste at least?

Isn’t that why I came to New York?

To try new things.

To taste some delicacies.

To embrace this time in my life where I can have my freedom.



Dawson stands, reaches for me, and tosses far too much money on the table before he leads me out the door and to his car. A nervous flutter erupts in my stomach as we walk in silence with pure focus on where we need to be, and then suddenly, the short drive we are about to take to my apartment feels like a lifetime away.

But as he opens the door and gently ushers me into his car, his hand never leaving mine, his gaze burning with pure desire and need, my gut tightens with the same instinctual pull.I’m safe with Dawson.

After he slides into the driver’s seat and starts the engine, his hand is on my thigh and squeezes, pulsing with need as he maneuvers down the street. The tension is palpable, and memories of all the moments and heated exchanges we’ve shared flood my mind.

And now, what can be.

As soon as he pulls up to my building, we both get out of the car and he walks around to me. My feet freeze on the spot as I look at him. “I work for you,” I remind him. More so as a warning because if we actually do this, there is no going back.

“I know.”

“I might bite you again,” I add, trying to lighten the mood.

“I hope you do.” He smirks, which in turn causes me to smile back at him.

I hear my name, and when I turn around, Kit is standing there. He stares at me, his hands in his pockets.

“Kit.” I say his name, and he looks from me to Dawson and back again. “This is a surprise.” I haven’t seen him since I lost my virginity. In fact, we’ve only exchanged a few messages since then as I’ve tried to sort out all my thoughts and emotions.

“Yeah, well, I know you’ve been dealing with some stuff this week, so I wanted to check on you. Is this your brother?” he asks, motioning to Dawson.

“Her boss, actually,” Dawson answers, and there’s a dark undertone in his words.

Kit doesn’t realize it, but he takes a step back and looks between us again.

“Okay. Well, can we talk?” he asks, and I turn to Dawson.
