Page 1 of Love, Lena

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“For the loveof all that is holy, please tell me that you’re not reading that damn note again,” my best friend, Kerry, groans as she lets herself into our apartment.

“I’m not,” I lie as I stuff the old note back in my pocket.

It’s too late, though. She’s already seen the faded yellow paper.

“Lena,” Kerry groans, falling onto the couch next to me.

“I know,” I sigh, burying my face in my hands.

“Just tell him already. Put all of us out of this misery.”

I lean my head back against the couch and stare up at the ceiling. She’s probably right.

I’ve been in love with Beau Jennings since I was fourteen. There were just two problems.

The first problem was that he was my brother, Charlie’s best friend.

The second problem was that he never gave any indication that he felt the same way.

So, I’ve been hiding this crush on him for years. Though, apparently, I haven’t been very successful at that.

Kerry has been my best friend since kindergarten. She’s obsessed with me over Beau for years. She’s been encouraging me to tell him how I feel for years, but I’ve never been brave enough.

I’m starting to get tired of waiting for him to notice me. It’s getting harder and harder to see him every day and not act on my feelings. We live in the small town of Wolf Valley, which means that we see each other every single day, usually multiple times.

“You need to just tell him how you feel. What’s the worst that can happen?” Kerry asks.

“He could reject me, and then I’ll have to see him all the time, and it will be super awkward. He could tell Charlie, and then things could be weird between my brother and me.”

“Okay, counterpoint. You don’t tell him, and you either both die all alone, or he meets someone else, and you have to see them all of the time and live with that regret.”

My stomach cramps at her words and the thought of Beau being with someone else. I know that she’s right, that I need to finally do something about this crush.

“I just don’t think I’m brave enough to tell him,” I admit, and Kerry nods.

“So, write him a note!” She suggests.

“A note?”

“Yeah, a love note. It’s perfect! You can write it all out, get your feelings out, everything you’ve ever wanted to say to him. Then give it to him to read, and you won’t have to see his face or anything.”

“I guess that could work…”

“It will!” She promises.

I chew on my bottom lip as I think over her idea. Her words make sense, but it just seems scary to try. All I can think about is all of the ways that this could go wrong.

Maybe it’s the crazy heat wave we’re going through, or maybe I’m just feeling brave enough tonight, but I’m starting to like Kerry’s plan more and more.

“Come on, Lena. Aren’t you tired of waiting for him to make a move? Write him a note, tell him how you feel, then you’ll know once and for all if he’s your happily ever after or if you need to move on and try to find someone else.”

“Okay,” I whisper, and she sits up straighter.

“Okay?” She asks excitedly.
