Page 71 of Lord of Punishment

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“Shit. What a way to grow up.”

“Violence of that nature does change a man. What do you know about his operation? What information did you provide to the friend who helped you escape?”

I didn’t bother looking in his direction but heard the twinge of anger in his voice. “I wasn’t allowed into his brutal world of business, Sabatino. I can’t help you with whatever you have planned. I couldn’t tell Sasha much.” Mentioning her name meant nothing. It wasn’t her real name. That much I’d known then.

“But you gave her something.”

“I told her I wouldn’t testify against him. I was too frightened.” I’d done everything I could to shove aside what I’d discovered. It couldn’t matter now after all these years anyway. I could tell he was mulling my answer over. What if I could offer him something useful? Would it matter? Would it provide both Dillon and me a one-way ticket home? Somehow, I doubted it.

“Are you positive he doesn’t know about Dillon?”

“Yes. One hundred percent.”

“Good. We’re going to keep it that way.”

“What if you can’t? What if Rico comes after both of us?”

“Then he’ll be killed.”

At that moment, I realized he was being truthful.

And a huge part of me wanted him to end my living hell by doing so.



He’d said nothing else on the drive back to his estate. There’d been no additional imploring questions, no accusations that I’d deceived him in any way. There was also no apology for taking me away from my life. But I sensed the same sadness I’d seen in his eyes while he’d spent time in my home. In spending time with his family, there’d been a shift in his personality. I sensed it, the feeling all the more troubling.

As he’d led me inside the house, keeping his hand on the small of my back, I’d continued to feel a strange level of comfort as well as the prickling sensations of longing I’d tried very hard to shove aside.

He had such a powerful hold over me that my chest remained tight. Once inside the door, it seemed we both felt awkward, uncertain of what we were doing or what we should be feeling. When he continued his reign of silence, I was finally resigned that tonight wasn’t one of explanations.

“My father taught me a long time ago never to apologize for the man I’d become,” he said so quietly that I had to strain to hear the words.

“I’m not asking you to, Sabatino. You are a product of your ancestry and upbringing. You’re a mobster, a man who doesn’t care about human lives. You have no capacity to love or honor the sanctity of human life.”

“That’s a little harsh since you don’t know me.”

I faced him, studying his reaction to my words. I’d known they were harsh because I wanted to see his reaction. “You’re right. I don’t know you, except for the side that you allowed me to see in Smith Mountain. I liked that man very much. I can’t help but wonder if all the violence and brutality you endured in your life were stripped away, if that would allow you to be a normal man.”

“What is normal to you?”

“I don’t really know other than what I saw in my father. Someone who worked hard to be able to come home to his family. Someone who appreciated the little things in life like enjoying a night watching a movie or a backyard barbecue with friends. I know that sounds boring to you.”

“Not in the least.”

I glanced at him and for a few seconds, I allowed the fantasy to remain. That would do nothing but cause additional heartache. “What I do know for certain is the harm your business can cause someone like me. I lived through it, remember? Fortunately, I’m no longer the naïve girl who’d grown up in a loving family who protected me from the most disturbing parts of the world. A monster opened my eyes. Now I’m the captive of another reprehensible man who didn’t ask me about what I wanted, just like other tyrannical bastards throughout history. If you think I’m going to sing your praises, you’re dead wrong.”

“I’m not looking for your admiration, Georgia. And you’re wrong about certain leaders in our history books. Some of the best valued their families and those of everyone around him or her so much so that they risked their own lives, many of them dying a horrible death all because they were determined to save those around them. I’m not saying I’m a good man by any means. I’ve done some terrible things in my life. I have no doubt I’ll do more things that you and other people will question but contrary to what you might think, I am capable of giving a damn. And yes, I would love to share in a world where brutality wasn’t hiding in the shadows. I wanted you to spend time with some of my family so it would help you remotely understand I’m not a monster, I’m a man.”

“Are you? I’m not so certain.”

He huffed and shook his head as he looked away. “I’m sorry you feel that way. What happened to you wasn’t fair or just and the bastard deserves to pay for what he did, but whether you want to believe it or not, you’re a valuable commodity that will be used one way or the other.”

“Including by you.” The man I’d thought was someone else entirely.

“Yes, if that’s what it takes to avoid a war. However, I do care about you. Nothing will happen to you or your little boy. You have my word on that. And I will do everything in my power to give you back the life you covet so much.”
