Page 11 of Dirty Dare

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And as if all that mouthwatering hotness isn’t torture enough, he hasn’t shaved. This man’s morning-after stubble glinting in the early sun is like my personal kryptonite.

I should keep driving, flash a smile, and roll right past. But glutton for punishment that I am, I pull to a stop beside him and lean out my open window with a grin. “I don’t see you once in four years, and now this is three times in twenty-four hours. We’ve got to stop meeting like this.”

For a minute, he looks like he’s going to say something, but instead he takes a few seconds to catch his breath as he looks around. Then, “Pretty up through here.”

“Yeah, it is.” Even more so with him around for the next month.

“You a runner?” he asks with a jut of his chin, those blue eyes coming back to mine.

Only from you.

I grip the back of my neck, reminding myself not to get excited. It’s not like he was going to ask me along or something. “Not really. I get my cardio in the pool.”

“And lake.” A dimple pops in his cheek, and suddenly I’ve got to shift in my seat.

Were these jeans this tight when I put them on?

“And the lake,” I agree with a laugh that feels like it comes from some deeper place inside me than I knew I had. “I’m not much for land sports.”

“Yeah.” He scrubs a wide hand over that rough-cut jaw, and holy shit, the way he’s looking at me, those hot eyes dragging from my eyes to my hair to my mouth… my chest.

It’s almost like— No, that can’t be right.

I swallow hard, looking at the steering wheel, the side mirror. Him.

Get it together, man.

“Seriously, though, aren’t you supposed to be on break? I slept in to the last possible second this morning, forgoing my shot at a decent cup of coffee so I could get an extra ten minutes.” And then I remember that I’m on my way to work. “Oh shit! I really did oversleep. I’ve gotta go, or I’m going to be late.”

Trevor steps back from the car with a grin. “Not on my watch. Get out of here.”

Taking my foot off the break, I start to roll. “Have a good run.”

He shrugs. “Basically done. Just saw you swim off this way last night and was curious where your place was.”

It takes a second, but then the truck jerks to a stop with an embarrassing screech. “You were looking for me?”

That fucking smile. “Don’t you have somewhere you’re supposed to be?”

* * *


What the hell am I doing? Last week, I would have sworn the only reason I was coming back here was to hide out from the world and be alone. Now?

One glimpse of Cam and my heart started in on the aerobics.

A couple hours of talking, and all the plans I thought were rock-solid suddenly feel rocky instead.

A few minutes this morning and— well, no turning back now.

I shoulder through the front door of Dorsey Outfitters, looking up when an old-fashioned bell sounds above my head and then taking in the rest of the store with a growing sense of unease.

Not what I was expecting.

In all the time I lived in Wildren, I never had a reason to come in here. My mom didn’t hunt or fish, so it wasn’t how I grew up. All my time went to hockey. And while Cam worked here, we weren’t the kind of friends where I’d show up at his job to hang out or make plans. So I’m not prepared for the sheer size of the place, the warm, lodge-like atmosphere, or that, thirty minutes after opening, it’s already hopping.

But apparently Dorsey’s is where the senior sect hangs out.
