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Despite herself, Charlotte’s lips tugged into a small smile. “I’ve forgotten how much you two bicker.”

Emilia cleared her throat and tapped her shoulder as she smiled up at Adam.

“Oh, Austin already met my trainer—”

“And bestie,” Emilia added.

“Yes, that too. Emilia, this is Adam, Adam, Emilia,” Charlotte said, rolling her eyes as Emilia practically drooled for little Adam…well, he wasn’t that little anymore, but Charlotte couldn’t help still seeing that mischievous boy in him.

“So, uh,” Austin said, pulling her eyes back to him. “I hope you don’t mind, but it’s turned more into a family celebration.” He shrugged and pulled at his shirt collar, and her heart softened for him, knowing how uncomfortable he was.

She quickly hardened it again, afraid that even a little compassion would open her up for the heartache she knew would come. Hearing that his parents and brother would be there actually lifted a weight off her shoulders. Things couldn’t get as intense, or personal, when surrounded by others. “I don’t mind at all. It will be good to see them.”

“Mama is ecstatic,” Adam said. “Come on, they’re already at the truck.”

“Oh, uh, Emilia and I will follow you.” Charlotte grabbed her friend’s hand.

Austin narrowed his eyes slightly. “Alright. We’re parked in lot D. We’ll be in Pops’ truck, the big blue Dodge.”

“And we’re going to the steakhouse, in case you miss us.” Adam tipped his hat at them and dragged his brother backward. “She’ll be there. Stop getting all riled up.”

Charlotte didn’t know if she should feel good that Adam thought her trustworthy or guilty, being as she had tried to come up with any excuse not to go.

“What’re you doing?” Emilia said as she paced beside her. “You hate driving in places you don’t know.”

Charlotte shrugged. “You think I’d rather be at their mercy and trapped there in case…if…you know, if something happens?”

“What’s going to happen? I thought you knew them very well. At least that’s what your friend said.” Emilia veered them toward their truck.

“Yeah, well, it’s complicated,” Charlotte said, unsure why she felt resistant about sharing what had happened between her and Austin. Emilia was her best friend, after all, or at least she proclaimed to be. She had done nothing to prove otherwise, but trust was hard after getting hurt.

Emilia beat her to the driver’s seat and shooed her away. “Fine. I’ll drive. You tell me the complicated story of your past.”

Charlotte stood still for a moment, but after a little prodding, she moved to the passenger side and pulled herself into the truck. They often took turns driving, which Charlotte didn’t mind at all. The trailer came from her parents. Well, her parents had paid for all of it since interns didn’t make any money. They were generous with their funds, though she hoped she could earn enough prize money this summer to make a down payment on a house wherever she decided to complete her residency. At least then she’d start earning a wage again.

“That’s them, I bet,” Emilia said and flashed her lights. The blue truck flashed back, and they followed them out of the parking lot. “Alright, we’re on our way, and if it’s the steakhouse I think it is, we’ve only got a few minutes, so spill the beans.”

Charlotte sighed, deciding being honest was the right thing to do. “We dated throughout high school, and, long story short, he left me after we graduated.”

“Wait, he left you? You’re from Wyoming. I thought you were the one who went all the way to Kentucky for undergrad?” Emilia sneaked a glance at her before turning back to the road.

“Well, I did…but I mean, I wasn’t leaving him. It was only temporary.”

“So, if it was only temporary, how did he leave you?”

Charlotte furrowed her brows. “He broke up with me, chose the rodeo over me.”

“I still don’t get it…if you were going to be away at college anyway, why did it matter if he was away at the rodeos? That doesn’t seem like a legit reason to break up with you.” Emilia shook her head.

“Guess he didn’t want to try a long-distance relationship. I don’t know, okay? It confused me, too, and it’s taken me years to get over it…and, well, now you see why I don’t want to do this.” Charlotte huffed and crossed her arms.

Emilia still shook her head. “No, he still has feelings for you…none of this makes sense. I bet he thought he was doing you a favor or something. Maybe he didn’t want to hold you back. You said you’ve always wanted to be a vet…maybe he was afraid he would ruin that dream for you.”

“No, it was a selfish…” Charlotte’s mind caught her mid-sentence, wondering if Emilia was onto something. Before she had time to fully process it, they had parked at the steakhouse.

Emilia turned to her. “Look. I don’t know what went on in his mind eight years ago, but I know the look of a man pining, and I’d swear he’s been pining for you for years. Just…just try to be open.”

Try to be open… Charlotte shook her head. Open was the last thing she wanted to be. Open hearts led to broken hearts. She slipped out of the truck and pulled down her shirt, looking up just as Austin’s mom came up to her.
