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“Charlotte,” she said in a half sob and drew her into her arms.

Charlotte wrapped her arms around Austin’s mom, a mom like she had always thought only lived in books and TV shows. Her mom and dad were generous with money but not their time. They were workaholics who were hardly ever home and worked even when they were, whereas Austin’s mom seemed to always be home, ready to make them a snack after school or a picnic lunch for a ride on the weekend. She breathed in deeply, comforted by the familiar sweet smell as if she had just finished making cookies.

“Mama,” she said, her own voice choking slightly. She felt fine calling Austin’s mom Mama, like everyone around her did. “It’s been so long.”

“Too long,” Mama said, pulling back. “Look at you. So beautiful as always.” She rested a hand on Charlotte’s cheek.

“You look the same, and you smell the same, too. Just like your homemade cookies,” Charlotte said with a light laugh, forgetting to guard her heart for the moment. It felt too good to be with Mama again.

“Everyone loves her cookies,” Pops said, his smile strained.

Charlotte let go of Mama to hug Pops, though she eased her grip as he took in a sharp breath. “I’m sorry. You okay?”

“I’m fine, girl. I’m fine.” He stepped back. “Let me take a look at you. I don’t think you’re eating enough.”

Charlotte laughed. “You’ve always said that.”

“Oh, I guess you’re right.” Pops grinned. “Well, we’ll remedy that tonight.” He took her hand, set it in the crook of one elbow and Mama’s in the other, and led them toward the restaurant.

It wasn’t until she saw Austin watching her with that intense green gaze as he held the door open for them that she remembered the heartache and that she had forgotten to keep her heart closed. It was a battle the whole night through to remember that she needed to protect her heart. She found herself laughing, remembering the old times, and excited as she shared the last eight years of her life with them.

“Ah, honey,” Mama said. “We’re so proud of you. You accomplished your dreams.”

“Well, almost,” Charlotte said and mistakingly glanced at Austin as she did.

His eyes flashed with a spark of hope, which both scared her and excited her. “What are your plans now?”

“Plans?” Charlotte repeated, blinking.

“Well, as far as immediate, we’re headed toward Laramie, right?” Emilia elbowed her.

“Yeah, next is Laramie,” Charlotte said, dragging her gaze away from Austin.

“Hey, we’re doing Laramie, too,” Adam said before stuffing the last bite of steak into his mouth.

“We have to keep those wins up, boys, and you’ll qualify for the Nationals,” Pops said, leaning back in his chair and looking at her. “You heard they’ve got a real good chance at winning this year.”

“I don’t doubt it,” Charlotte said with a gulp. This rodeoing was their whole life. Pops had invested his earnings wisely, and she knew that he and Mama had given up everything to follow their boys around the country. This was a great reminder that it would never change…regardless of how Austin looked at her.

She fought back the sadness as she realized that tonight would likely be the last time she sat around a table with the Bowmans. Whatever little excitements and hopes she had after running into Austin again, she knew it would never work…not unless she made the rodeo her life, too.

She enjoyed competing. She even enjoyed the traveling…for a short time, but living on the road full-time? That wasn’t her dream. How could she raise a family without consistency? She didn’t want to be an absentee mom like her own, and she didn’t want her children to have an absentee father if she decided to settle and he stayed on the road. Yet, she caught Austin’s glance…at this rate, she’d never get the chance to marry, much less be a mom…unless she settled for less…and so far, that proved to be something she wasn’t willing to do.


Austin had never felt this distracted, not even after he broke up with Charlotte all those years ago. He always had the rodeo and thought that was all he ever needed. Since seeing Charlotte again, he wasn’t so sure. The rodeo definitely called to him, but all he could fully focus on was Charlotte and thinking about how he could win her back.

They had taken it easy in coming to Laramie. It was now clear that Pops was dealing with something, but the stubborn old man refused to go to the doctor, telling them he was fine, just tired. Yet he would wince almost every time he walked or moved, and Mama said he had a hard time getting comfortable at night.

“Stop worrying about me,” Pops said as Austin tried yet again to convince him to see the doctor, or at least let him get the medic. “You boys need to warm up. You’re on in less than an hour. Go.”

Adam pulled Austin away. “Come on, you heard the old man.” Adam kept tugging on Austin until they were on their way to their horses. “Stop stressing. He said he was fine.”

“He doesn’t look fine,” Austin muttered.

Adam shrugged. “You know Pops, he doesn’t like to complain. Maybe it’s just his shoulder hurting him…”

“And maybe it’s more.” Austin greeted Buckley with an apple he took from his pocket. Ever since Pops came into their lives and introduced them to horses, Austin always found comfort in the animals, even before he knew how to ride. Once he could, riding was about the only thing that made him feel better when things weren’t going right in his life. Yet, right now, it wasn’t just riding…he had to focus. They had to get another stellar time so they could qualify for Nationals.
