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Charlotte dropped her gaze, her stomach slightly sickening with the thought.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to pry. You don’t even know me…yet.” Beth smiled, her eyes alight with understanding, and it eased Charlotte’s nerves.

“We dated throughout high school. He chose the rodeo. I chose college.”

“Ahh, and the long-distance thing didn’t work out?” Beth asked.

“He didn’t want to give it a try. He said he didn’t want to hold my dreams back, and he didn’t want to resent me for holding his back.” Charlotte gulped.

“He said that at eighteen?” Beth looked at her and shook her head. “Well, he’s either the most mature guy I know, or someone fed him that.”

Charlotte glanced back at Austin. He had been mature, always looking ahead at the future…but their future. Who would have convinced him they were better off without each other?

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” Beth touched her arm, pulling Charlotte from her thoughts. “It’s just surprising, but of course, Jake is not the most mature of the group.” She gave a short laugh. “What about you? You’re here now…at the rodeos.”

“Only for the summer. My veterinary residency starts in the fall.”

“I’m a vet tech!” Beth said. “That’s another thing we have in common. Right now I’m not working, just enjoying being a mom. It’s not an easy position,” she said with an endearing smile. “That’s why I’m here…taking a little breather. I need some time with just me and God, sometimes, you know, to refill my well.”

“I do know…I mean, not about being a mom, but refilling your well.” Charlotte breathed easier, feeling like she had known Beth for years rather than just minutes. “Thank you for taking the initiative to reach out.”

“Of course! I’d be happy to listen and chat any time. We rodeo gals, whether competitors or, well, other halves of competitors, got to stick together. It’s a wonderful community, more like a family, you know.” Beth’s calm openness made Charlotte feel at home.

“I like that way of looking at it. I never thought about having a rodeo family,” Charlotte said.

“Well, I’m almost always around. You come by to chat anytime. You see that behemoth of a trailer there?” Beth pointed to one of the largest trailers she had seen. “That’s ours. You find me if you want to chat.”

“Thank you,” Charlotte said, touched that Beth gave such a generous offer, and yet wondering if she had enough gumption to reach out like that.

A soft wail came on a breeze. “Well, that’s my call.” Beth smiled, brushing her arm again. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Charlotte. I can see what Austin sees in you, and I know God will lead you to where you are supposed to be. It can be scary giving up our will for His, but it is always worth it.”

“Thank you, Beth. I think we were supposed to meet today. You gave me a lot to think about.” Charlotte lifted a hand in farewell.

“Remember to trust,” Beth said. “I hope to talk more soon.” With a wave, she turned and quickened her pace over the parking lot. Her high sweet voice traveled on the wind as she took her baby from her husband’s arms, and the wails stopped instantly. A longing tugged in Charlotte’s chest, stronger than it ever had before. She glanced over then, her eyes meeting Austin’s from across the way. The longing only increased as her heart cantered in fear. Lord, give me strength. She sighed, drew in a breath, and started her internal prayer again. Lord, guide my path. Show me Your will.

Austin barely took his gaze off her as he nodded to the others and headed her way. Her feet remained rooted to the ground, whether from listening to a still small voice or from fear, she didn’t know. She continued her prayer, keeping her eyes on Austin as he strode toward her with purpose.

A shout pulled his attention, and she followed the turn of his head to see Adam running toward him. Austin’s body went rigid with whatever Adam said. He turned back toward her briefly, then took off after his brother as an ambulance with the lights flashing crawled through the parking lot.

Charlotte covered her heart. “Oh no,” she said, her feet moving before she even knew what she was doing. She raced after them, but she stopped short as she saw Pops being wheeled out on a stretcher and lifted into the ambulance. Mama pulled herself up after the EMT, sitting as close as she could, she took his limp hand in hers and brought it to her lips.

Charlotte’s eyes stung as the doors shut, and she saw Austin, slump-shouldered, standing there next to his brother, watching the ambulance drive away. Adam clutched his shoulder, urging him to move. Austin shook himself, then checked the trailer door as if to make sure it was locked, and followed his brother at a jog.

His eyes met hers as they went by, and he veered toward her. “Get the truck,” he told his brother, tossing him the keys.

Adam said something that Charlotte didn’t catch, all she had eyes for was Austin coming toward her. She drew in a breath, trying to steady her shaking body and blinking her eyes to rid them of the tears that burned, but with no success.

“I saw Pops,” she said lamely, her voice quivering. “Is he…is he going to be okay?”

Austin stopped about ten feet away. “All we can do is hope. Right now, we don’t know what’s going on.”

“I’m so sorry, Austin, I…” She bit her lip, not wanting the emotions bubbling inside of her to spill out. That was the last thing Austin needed.

A truck skidded to a stop near him. “Let’s go!” Adam yelled.

“I gotta go. Good luck at your event,” he said, lifting a hand in farewell before racing to the truck, which took off before his door had even shut.

Charlotte stood there long after the dust from their tires had settled, wondering at the quelling of her heart and the desire to jump into her truck and speed after them.
