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And that was back when they were just kids…

What was she like now? Did she still have that touch or had she lost it?

“Do you regret it, brother?” Adam asked, his voice thick and on the verge of some powerful emotion, though Austin couldn’t tell if it was fear or guilt.

“Regret going pro with you?” Austin turned, glancing at him briefly before making his way to the seat next to his brother. “No, Adam. I don’t. We’re a good team.”

“Even if it cost you the woman you love?” Adam asked, relentless in his questioning.

“Those are two separate things. I’m glad I went pro with you…and I’ve always wondered if cutting Charly loose was the right thing to do. It never sat well with me…as much as I tried to act like it didn’t bother me.”

“I know,” Adam said with a sigh.

Austin met his brother’s eyes, seeing that he did know and that it was a mix of fear and guilt in his eyes that were so much like his. “I’m not giving up on us.”

“I know you won’t. I shouldn’t have said what I did. You’re better than that, it’s just that…well—”

A nurse walked toward them, her shoes squeaking even more than Austin’s boots had. “Excuse me,” she said. “You’re the Bowmans, right?”

They both stood, and Adam tipped his hat as he said, “Yes, ma’am.”

She blushed slightly. “We’re getting ready to move your father to a room set up for a longer stay. I thought you’d like to talk with him before we did.”

“Yes, thank you,” Austin said, following the nurse as she led them past the doors and into the working area of the emergency room. The beeping of monitors and breathing machines, as well as the quick steps of the nurses and doctors, had his heart galloping in anxiety.

The nurse smiled as she pulled back the curtain to Pops’ room, where Mama stood and greeted them. Pops had an oxygen tube under his nose, an IV connected to his hand, and a blood pressure cuff on his arm. He looked worn out even as he tried to push a smile to his lips.

“They’re admitting him,” Mama said, wiping at her eyes and trying to put on a strong face. “They said they’ll get to the bottom of his pain.”

Austin kissed his mom and went to Pops’ side.

“I’m not one for making a fuss,” Pops said.

“No, sir. You aren’t.” Austin took the chair next to him. “I think you might have tried to brave it a little too long this time.”

“Ahh.” Pops waved it off. “They’ll probably tell me I just need to eat better and send me on my way.”

“How much better can you eat when Mama’s cooking for you?” Adam teased.

“That’s what I say!” Pops said with a wheezing cackle that sent him into a coughing fit. Creases of pain lined his face as he did. As the spasms stopped, he closed his eyes and leaned back against the bed as if that one action had taken everything from him.

“I think it’s time to listen to the doctors,” Austin said, worry choking his throat.

“Yes, it is.” Mama came to his side. “And you will, if I have anything to say about it.”

“I’m in trouble now,” Pops said, trying to smile, but it looked more like a grimace.

“So, what’re the next steps?” Austin asked.

“We wait for his results, and they’ll do their best to keep him comfortable until they know what’s going on.” Mama straightened the blankets over Pops.

“Do they have any idea of what that might be?” Austin asked, looking between her and him.

“Oh, they all have their opinions,” Pops said wearily.

“But they don’t know yet, and we shouldn’t make guesses until we have all the information,” Mama said emphatically.

“What can we do to help?” Adam asked. “Want us to bring your truck and trailer here?”
