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“Yeah, well, he isn’t like mine,” she said with a giggle. “Now, come on and drink up before it gets cold.”

Charlotte smiled at her friend, allowing gratitude for such a steadfast, even if frivolous, friend to fill her. She really couldn’t ask for a better companion for her last summer break before the real world set in…and for once, she didn’t know exactly how she wanted that real world to look, for every time she thought about her future, a pair of intense green eyes was all she could see.


Austin hopped down the trailer steps onto the artificial grass they always set near their door and stretched. The sun barely peeked over the Wyoming mountains, which were blanketed in a soft pink glow. He took a deep breath, drawing the beauty in and letting it settle in his chest.

The sound of water running and other morning activities came from the trailer next to him, and he turned with a smile. Having Charlotte close had been so nice, a welcome distraction and comfort. In fact, it had almost become like old times…almost.

Her presence had helped as the rollercoaster continued. The hospital in Laramie released Pops with no definite answers about what was causing him so much pain. He and Mama went home, hoping their local doctor could do further digging. Though he was still in pain and unable to travel, Pops told them he was fine and didn’t want to see them until they had qualified for the Nationals. If they won this one today, and the one in California, they would only need Reno and the two in Arizona. Then they would have earned enough to be one of the top fifteen and could end the season until Nationals in December…if they wanted.

It was a lot to think about, and even more when he considered how Charlotte would fit into that picture. He closed the distance between his temporary porch area and hers in a few strides, lifting his hand to knock lightly. She would want to see this sunrise. A moment later, she slipped out the door, a steaming mug in her hands smelling of rich chocolate.

“Hot chocolate in the morning, huh?” he teased.

She lifted a finger to her lips and led him back to his trailer, where they sat in the chairs he had turned to face toward the east. “Sorry. Emilia says she needs her beauty sleep.”

“Beauty sleep, huh?” He settled into his chair. “I guess some of us don’t need that to be beautiful.” He grinned at her.

Charlotte lifted her perfectly arched eyebrows. “Speak for yourself, beauty. If I don’t start getting more, I might turn into the beast.” She laughed lightly, smiling as she drew her legs up into the chair.

His heart warmed at how cute she was in her fuzzy pajama pants and sweatshirt. It was nice seeing this side of her again. “You know, you haven’t changed all that much.”

She looked at him over the rim of her mug, and after she swallowed, she scrunched her eyebrows together. “I’m not sure if that’s meant as a compliment or not…I would hope I have matured at least somewhat.”

His lips twitched. “Maybe somewhat.” He continued to study her. “I mean, you’re still drinking hot chocolate instead of coffee, and coming out to enjoy sunrises in your PJs.”

“And you still forget to eat in the mornings and don’t comb your hair,” she said, eyeing him.

Austin laughed, enjoying the feeling of it rippling through him. He settled back into his chair, losing himself to the beauty of the moment, the sun’s first rays warming Charlotte’s beautiful face, and the contentment of just being with her. It hadn’t taken them long to return to the ability to sit in that comfortable silence like they used to. He had never met another gal, really any other person, who could just enjoy the moment without feeling the need to fill it.

“We’re headed out to Cali after this one,” he said, filling the moment even though he didn’t want to, but this needed to be discussed. They had danced around it too much over the last couple of weeks. “Have you decided what you’re doing?”

Charlotte remained quiet for a few moments, then shifted to turn toward him. “I told you that I have two residency offers, right?”

“Yep,” he said, carefully measuring the word.

“Well, one of them is only an hour or so away from the rodeo you’re going to in California.” She sighed, looking back out to the mountains. “When I got their offer, it was a great ego boost. They’re rated one of the top new facilities in the country, but…California. It’s not where I thought I’d end up.” Her gaze caressed the mountains.

“You know,” he said, waiting until she pulled her eyes off the peaks to meet his gaze. “There are mountains in Cali, too.”

“But are they like this?” She spread her hand out, showcasing the majestic mountains that thrusted from the valley floor into the growing, bright orange hues.

“Well, maybe not quite like this, but they’re pretty remarkable.”

“That’s right,” she said, turning back to him. “You have friends there.”

“Yeah, Cody. He’s a good guy. You know he and his new wife adopted a little boy, the coolest kid, too. He ropes like a champ.”

“They’re the ones you told me about who run the foster kid camp, right?” Charlotte leaned her head against the chair as she watched him.

“Yeah, it’s pretty incredible. They’ve been asking me to come out and teach the kids for a couple of weeks.”

“You going to do it?” Charlotte asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “I think so. We get a break right after that rodeo, and I think I need the distraction.” He studied her. “You should come, too. I think you’d like it. You always were good with kids.”

“I was a kid,” she said with a laugh.
