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“You came anyway?” Jake asked, raising his eyebrows and sharing a significant look with Austin. “Just to cheer this old bloke on?”

“She’s also checking out a veterinary residency program that accepted her up in Chico.”

“Chico?” Another deep voice joined the mix.

“Cody!” Austin said, taking his buddy in a slapping man-hug and pulling back. “It’s good to see you. You know Jake and Beth, of course, and this is my, uh, I mean Charlotte.”

Cody smiled at her as he took her hand. “It’s nice to put a face to a name, Charlotte. This is my wife, Josie, coming along,” he pointed to a gal that strode with confidence and a young teen walking with her, “and our son, Wylie.”

“Hey there guys!” Josie said, giving hugs all around and not stopping when she came to Charlotte, but taking her in strong, yet nurturing arms. “Charlotte, right? It’s nice to meet you, dear.”

Wylie smiled shyly in the background until Cody rested an arm on his shoulder. “You hear that my son here is the lead for the junior division?”

“In the state?” Jake asked, eyebrows raised.

“National.” Cody beamed, pride for his son filling his entire presence.

“Well, for now, at least.” Wylie’s voice squeaked in that awkward phase of adolescent boys. “Today it all could change.”

“And if it does, it won’t change how proud of you we are,” Josie said, drawing him into a hug. “Now go on out there and practice.”

Wylie nodded, his confidence growing as he hopped over the fence and twirled his rope.

“He’s an impressive kid,” Austin said, a tightness in his voice. “You did well cowboying up, man.”

Cody grabbed his arm in a bond that said more than words could, and it made Charlotte’s eyes smart.

“I hear you might come along with Austin to camp after this?” Jodie asked.

“Oh,” Beth exclaimed. “You should go, Charlotte. You’ll love it.”

“I think I will. I want to check out the residency program in Chico before we leave, but yeah, this place is growing on me,” Charlotte said, realizing the truth of her words.

“You don’t know California until you visit the small mountain towns in the northern parts. That’s what I always tell people. We’re more than Hollywood and beaches.” Josie smiled. “You’ll love Hope Lake. If you’re not careful, you’ll find you won’t want to leave.” She leaned in with a wink.

Charlotte enjoyed the time chatting with Beth and Josie, not realizing that the day grew long as the events began. Austin leaned over to her and whispered, “I’ve got to get warmed up. You’ll be okay here?”

“She’ll be fine, Mr. Protector.” Josie laughed. “Go on. She’s under our wings now.”

Charlotte laughed but read his eyes. “I’m good. You got this. Just focus, get so lost in the feel of the rope in your hands that nothing else exists.”

Austin smiled and leaned in, kissing her head reflexively. “Thanks, Charly.”

She didn’t even realize the importance of that moment until she turned back to the ladies who watched her with wide eyes. Then heat crawled up her neck and settled in her cheeks.

“So?” Beth asked, shifting her sleeping son in her arms.

Charlotte shrugged. “We, well, we just don’t know yet.”

Josie laughed. “I understand that limbo all too well.”

Charlotte asked Josie about how she met Cody, and she listened to the incredible story that far surpassed any love story she had ever heard. “Wow. What a blessing you three are to each other!”

The announcer called their attention as he introduced Austin and Adam in the box. Charlotte turned to watch Austin, who took a moment to find her, lock eyes, and smile one of his smiles that was only meant for her. Without thinking, she blew him a good luck kiss, her face flaming as she dropped her hand. What was she doing?

Austin closed his eyes briefly, and when he opened them, she saw his determined expression that meant he was in his saddle, fully immersed in the event he was about to compete in, and it showed. The waiting for the nod of his head took longer than the three-point-eight seconds it took him and Adam to rope their steer. It always amazed her how much they had to practice for an event that literally took less than four seconds to finish, at least when done at this level.

Austin dipped his hat in her direction as they chased the steer back to the holding pen. Girls behind her erupted in cheers and giggles, and a spark of jealousy coursed through her.
