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Charlotte squeezed Austin tighter, though he remained stiff and trembling. She looked at Adam, whose wet eyes blinked, and he nodded several times.

“That’s good, Mama,” Adam choked out.

“It is, sweetie. It is.” Mama sighed and sniffed. “Here’s Pops again.”

“Now you boys don’t go worrying about me. You’ve got to keep your heads on straight and get ready for Nationals,” Pops commanded.

Austin reached for the phone, his eyes bright with determination. “We’ll be on the next flight home and don’t argue with me. It won’t do any good.”

“You’re not giving up your dream because I went and got sick!” Pops’ voice firmed, as it did when he reprimanded the boys.

“We’ve got two weeks’ break, Pops,” Adam said, searching Austin’s eyes. “We have time, and we won’t be able to focus if we don’t come see you for ourselves.”

“I’m fine,” Pops said, though his tone had eased.

“We’ll judge that for ourselves when we get there,” Austin said. “I’ll text you guys the details when I schedule the flight, but we’ll rent a car. I don’t want Mama stressing about picking us up.” Austin closed his eyes as if to contain pain. “I love you, Pops.”

“Yeah, me, too, Pops.” Adam chimed in.

“I love you boys, too.”

Austin ended the call, his shoulders slumping.

“Well, this sucks,” Adam said, leaning over his horse.

“What can I do?” Charlotte asked, smoothing her hand up and down Austin’s strong back.

“Oh shoot, Cody…the camp…” He dropped his head into his hands.

“They’ll understand,” Charlotte said. “Look, if you need me with you, I’ll drop everything and come. If I’d be more help here, I’ll stay to look after your horses, take over the camp responsibilities, whatever you need.”

Austin wiped his hand down his face and looked at her. “What about your residency?”

“It can wait. It isn’t going anywhere. The people I care about always come first.” She said the words clearly, staring him right in the eyes.

“See, I told you that you won’t end up obsessed like your parents.” He caressed her face and leaned his forehead against hers. “If you stay, it will save us time. We won’t have to find boarding for Buckley and Turbo. Are you sure?” He leaned back to read her eyes.

“I’m sure. Whatever I can do.” She meant it. Knowing that she could be there for him felt like everything in that moment.

He drew her into his arms, grasping her tightly to him like if he let go, he would crumble. She held him to her, praying for God to give him and his family strength and to show His mercy on Pops, to heal him, so the man she loved didn’t have to go through losing another dad.


Austin didn’t know what to expect when he came crashing through his parents’ house, barely stopping to kick off his boots before barging into the living room. Seeing Pops relaxing and watching the game like nothing was going on, though, was not what he thought he’d see.

“Oh, you guys made it already,” Pops said, like it was any other Monday evening. He paused the game, kicked in the feet of his recliner, and sat up. “How was the flight?”

Austin stood blinking at him, unable to wrap his mind around the situation and seeing Pops act like it was any other day.

Adam bumped into him, giving him a weird look before turning to Pops. “It was the same as always: smells funny, no leg room, and a bunch of sitting and waiting.” Adam leaned down to hug Pops. “Where’s Mama?”

“Oh, she’s around here somewhere, fiddling with this or that,” Pops said, waving the question away. “She’ll be happy to see you both.”

Austin shook his head, doing his best to clear it, and made it over to Pops to hug him as well. “You look…well, good.”

“Did you expect it to take me down that fast?” Pops lifted an eyebrow and eased back into the chair. “The doctor gave me some good pain meds, so I’m feeling better than I have in some time.”

“That’s good, Pops. You shouldn’t have been suffering for so long.” Austin sat on the couch near him.
