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Charlotte moved toward the stables, following the scent as if it called to her like a juicy hamburger to a hungry stomach. If anything could make her feel better, it was a little time with Apollo. Of course, Buckley and Turbo would love some attention, too. The weight had almost left her shoulders as she rolled the squeaky door open, but mixed with the scent of hay and horse was another smell, one that had her heart galloping and her steps quickening, whether she wanted them to or not.

He stood next to his horse, his head nuzzled against Buckley’s neck as he murmured indistinguishable soothing words.

“I hope he isn’t telling you stories about me,” she said, willing her heart to ease.

Austin spun toward her, his emotional state outlined with the scrunch of his brow. “Hey,” he said. “Thanks for taking care of him…and Turbo…and everything.”

She stepped closer, only the gate of the stall between them now. “I’m glad I could. How’s Pops?”

“Better than me,” he said, a sad smile drawing his lips up.

She reached out, smoothed his hatless hair back, and let her hand slide down his cheek. “I’m so sorry, Austin. We’re going to get through this.”

“We, huh?” he asked, his lips losing a touch of their sadness.

“You know what I mean,” she said, swallowing, unsure if she knew herself.

He covered her hand, pressing her palm against his cheek and closing his eyes. “I’m scared, Charly.”

“I know,” she said, and let go of him long enough to slip into the stall and wrap her arms around him. “I know. I’m here.” She soothed him, rubbing a hand up and down his strong back as his head lowered to rest on hers.

She may not know what the future held, but right now she knew exactly what was in her arms, and in this moment, it would take a direct command from God for her to let him go.


Austin leaned against the railing of the arena, watching Charlotte lead a lesson for a group of kids. She was so good with them, patiently teaching them step by step, taking their fear in stride, and encouraging them to move past it. His heart yearned for her and for the peace she had.

When he had come to the camp, she had held him, soothing him. For a few moments, everything faded and nothing mattered but her arms around him, the sweet smell of her hair, and her soothing, murmured words. It was the first peace he had felt since he had found out about Pops’ cancer. had a taste of that comfort he felt in her arms, he only longed for it more. Yet, he and Charlotte hadn’t had time alone since then, and now he had to leave again in the morning.

The last week had been wonderful, even without that alone time. Spending the days and evenings with Charlotte only solidified that he wanted her in his life. Sure, he didn’t know how yet, but he knew they still fit together like they always had, and he swore she felt the same way…even if she was scared.

Why shouldn’t she be scared? He’d run her off before. Of course, she would be worried about that happening again. He knew that’s why she worked so hard to keep that distance between them, to keep them just friends. As much as he appreciated her friendship, he wanted to cross that line. He wanted to hold her hand, to kiss her lips, to wrap his arms around her while they watched the sunrises and sunsets.

A boot scraping against the gravel behind him had him turning to see Cody coming toward him with a smile of companionship. It had been good to spend time with his old friend. He had grown in many ways, but his happiness made Austin smile every time he saw him. The man exuded contentment.

“Hey,” Cody said, leaning against the railing next to him. “She has quite the gift with kids, doesn’t she?”

“Yep,” Austin said, turning back to watch Charlotte as she helped a girl leap onto Apollo. “Always has, too.”

“So, any progress?” Cody asked, watching him now rather than the kids.

Austin shrugged. “There’s a lot of history there, ya know? Both good…and bad. It won’t be easy to regain that trust.”

“She seems to trust you just fine,” Cody said, scrunching his brow.

“Sure, she trusts me in many ways, just not with her heart,” Austin said with a sigh. “You ever made a decision that you were sure you’d regret one day, but somehow you convinced yourself that it was for the best?”

Cody chuckled, a sound full of self-depreciation. “Oh, yeah…”

“How’d you get past it?”

Cody nodded to where Josie had just left her office, striding toward the Meeting Hall with purpose. “My wife…she forced me to see what I was doing, and take responsibility for it, and then change my way of thinking.”

“Take responsibility for it, huh? I think I’ve done that…maybe. My thinking is still all muddled. How do you choose between two loves?” Austin asked, shaking his head.

“Two loves?” Cody asked. “Oh, Charlotte and cowboying up.” Cody sighed. “It was easy for me. I was ready for a change. You’re still at the top of your game. I hear you’re lined up for Nationals this year.”

“Yeah, if we compete well and draw well, we have the skills that just might win it.” Austin pushed back his hat and ran a hand through his hair.
