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“Yeah,” Austin said, digesting the info. “So, he’s legit?”

“Yeah, man, he’s legit. A little spammy compared to the gal I work with, but he gets the deals.” Jake whooped, then shouted out the good news. “Sorry, Beth was wondering why I was trying to wake the baby.”

Austin smiled. “How’s that little miracle doing?”

“Oh, he’s great. He’ll be crawling before Nationals…maybe even walking.”

“Next thing you know, he’ll be riding,” Austin said.

“Oh, he rides with me all the time. He loves his horsies.” Jake laughed that content kind of laugh that he had gained since Beth entered his life. “So, you gonna go with Bill?”

“We’ll see. Adam wants to. We’re having dinner with him tonight.”

“It might be divine timing, man. God knows you need extra funds with what’s going on with your


“Yeah, that’s what I’ve been thinking, too.” Austin blew out a breath.

“And how’s your gal?”

“Oh, Charlotte? Uh, well, I’ll be seeing her in Flagstaff. You coming to that one?”

“Nah, we’re in New Mexico right now, doing that circuit and hanging out with Cam and Vic.”

“Glad you get that time. Enjoy your friends. Well, I gotta go. Ceremony’s about to start. Thanks for the info and good luck tonight!”

“Thanks, man. Keep me updated. I’ll save you a spot for your rig at the Nationals!”

Austin laughed. “Hope so, man. Hope so.”

He hung up the phone, feeling lighter with the knowing that Bill was an honest and true sponsor scout. Maybe things were starting to line up for them after all.

Charlotte’s heart thrummed as she parked her rig in the spot next to Austin’s. He had saved it, just like he had said he would. There was no movement in his area when she scanned it as she shut off her truck, but he could be registering or settling his horses or anything. He had told her after the weekend before that he had some exciting news to share with her, which was why he couldn’t meet her earlier as planned. She had to keep her heart from skipping forward to what that could be.

“Calm down,” Emilia said to her. “Let’s get settled in. I’m sure we’ll see him soon.”

“It’s barely been a week, but…” Charlotte trailed off and bit her lip, not wanting to voice her fears out loud.

“How much can change in one week?” Emilia uttered a sound full of frustration. “You really think after eight years of pining over you, he’s going to forget about you after one week?”

“You’re right, of course, you’re right,” Charlotte said, nodding to herself. “Plus…it’s God’s will. That’s all I have to worry about.”

“Hey, you’ve got two more competitions, and then our summer fun is over. Just enjoy this time.” Emilia squeezed her hand before she slipped from the truck to unhitch the trailer. When she finished, she slapped the truck to signal Charlotte could pull up and park.

Charlotte did her best to focus on the moment, to soak in this time of summer rodeo fun. Her real work would begin soon…and her big decisions were coming even quicker. She and Emilia set up their temporary home efficiently.

“I’m going to miss this,” Charlotte said as she and Emilia danced around each other as they put out their mat, chairs, and awning.

“Me, too,” Emilia said. “We work well together. You sure you won’t come back to Texas?”

“Believe me, I have thought about it, but it just doesn’t feel right, you know. I’ve got to listen to God’s direction.” She smiled with a warmth of mischievousness growing within her. “You know, I’m sure there’ll be space wherever I move…”

“Ha,” Emilia said with a light laugh. “You don’t even know where you are going, much less if there will be space or a job for me.” She turned a little serious. “I’ve got it good in Texas. They’re letting me pay off my last year of schooling by coaching their vaulting team. How could it get better than that?”

“I agree…” Charlotte said, slumping into her seat with the realization she and her best friend would soon part ways. “Maybe God will somehow bring us back together.”

“Hey.” Emilia sat beside her and took her hand. “Just because we won’t be living next to each other doesn’t mean we won’t be together. I’ll only be a call away.”
