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“And vice versa.” Charlotte gave a nod, though the sadness enveloped her. Before she met Emilia, she had been so alone. Sure, she had people she was friendly with, other students, and roommates, but none of them were what she called friends. No one else knew her heart…and even with Emilia, it had taken her years to open it.

“Don’t look so glum. You have no idea where God will lead you next. I’m sure it will be amazing!” Emilia tugged her out of the seat. “Now, come on, Apollo wants out of his trailer, and we need to check you in.”

Charlotte allowed herself to be pulled up, and as soon as she unloaded Apollo, her focus was back in the moment. Once she had him in his stall for the weekend and registered, they walked back to their trailer, and there he was, waiting for them.

Austin smiled, and her entire world shifted. She bobbed up to her toes, using her willpower to keep from running into his arms. Yet as she closed the distance between them, and his arms opened, she did rush into them.

“I’ve missed you,” he said, his breath stirring her hair and warming her scalp.

“Me, too,” she said. “When’d you get here?” she asked as they stepped apart.

“Oh, early this morning. You know me. I don’t sleep well before a move.” Austin shrugged. “Lazy bones can sleep in the truck, though I’ve threatened to leave him in the bed.”

“Well,” Adam said from a chair in front of their trailer. “If we’d gotten the RV rather than the truck and trailer set up, you could have let me.”

Austin rolled his eyes. “He’s a big spender. No thought for the future.” He laughed.

“Hey, now we can spend big and save big!” Adam stood up, excitement dancing in his eyes, and Charlotte creased her brow. “Bro, you didn’t tell her yet?”

“I wanted to tell her in person.” Austin glared at his brother. “Maybe you could go check on the horses or something.”

“I’ll, uh, go with you,” Emilia said. “I’ll just grab a couple of carrots. Turbo loves them, you know. I’ve missed him and Buckley.”

Adam smiled as if he hoped the horses weren’t all she missed. Then he looked at Austin. “You should get better at this communication thing, bro.”

“Says the guy who can’t keep the names of the girls he calls straight…” Austin teased.

“Hey, that’s not fair. Cindy and Cynthia are really similar!” Adam quickly quieted and lowered his voice. “Besides, it’s not like I did anything but talk with them. It’s good to keep your options open. Not everyone is like you and Charlotte.” He straightened, meeting Charlotte’s gaze. “In fact, I don’t know anyone who’s waited eight years…”

“Ready!” Emilia said as she bounced down the steps and looked at Adam to follow her.

“Well, have fun,” Adam said, tipping his hat at Charlotte and striding after Emilia. “So, I guess I know why Turbo’s been acting like a neglected child. I had no idea you were spoiling him with carrots.”

Charlotte smiled after them. “It’s too bad something wouldn’t work out between them. They’re cute together.”

“Well, why wouldn’t it?” Austin asked, and she turned back to meet his eyes.

“She’s going back to Texas. I’m taking her there after Tucson.” Charlotte cocked her head, watching for any signs.

“Oh, I see…and where are you going after that?” He shifted his weight and looped his thumbs in his pockets.

“I still haven’t decided,” she said, searching his eyes and wondering how she would know where God wanted her. “So, what’s all this good news and extra money all about?”

He motioned for her to sit in one of his camp chairs, and he sat opposite of her, leaning his elbows on his knees and staring at his folded hands. “Well, after Reno’s event, we were approached by a sponsor scout.”

“Really?” Charlotte sat forward in her seat. “That’s amazing, Austin! You used to talk about being sponsored all the time.”

He grinned and nodded. “Yeah, it felt too good to be true, and the guy’s sort of salesy…I almost blew him off.”

Charlotte giggled before covering her mouth. “That sounds like you, but, man, this is wonderful, and it came at the perfect time. God is really coming through, isn’t He?”

Austin scrunched his brow. “I’m not sure it was God…it was our fast times that brought the attention.”

“You know what I mean, Austin. He’s been by your side this entire time. You’ve earned good scores for many years. Why would it happen now, all of a sudden? Right when you needed extra to help Pops?”

His brow furrowed further. “I never thought about it that way.”

“I know you’ve struggled with faith, but He is there. He brought you Pops. He gave you rodeo, and now He’s lining things up for even more success.” It hit her then what that would mean…there would be no way he’d quit the rodeo or even slow down now. She lowered her head to hide her eyes as the truth settled over her.
