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Charlotte had arrived at the rodeo and ran to the arena just in time to see Austin and Adam sitting astride their horses in the box. Mama and Pops welcomed her to join them. It had been a whirlwind of a ride to get there and many favors asked that would need to be repaid. Including Beth and Vic, who picked her up at the airport and brought her here…just in time.

Seeing the joy in Austin’s face when he saw her made it all worth it. He had hardly stopped touching her in some way or another since he had rushed into her arms. Right now, as he cared for Buckley, he needed both of his hands, but his eyes barely strayed from her as she leaned against the stall fence, and he’d slip a finger across her arm or give her a small peck every time he passed her by.

She felt a new freedom in allowing herself to fully be present in her love for Austin. Over the last week, between talking with Emilia, Josie, Chasity, and Megan, she realized she said she had forgiven Austin, but a part of her still held onto that anger and fear. Megan told her she was using it as a defense, keeping part of the wall of her heart barred so that she wouldn’t fully be broken should it not work out between them.

Chasity asked if that was fully trusting God or not. Emilia asked the same question almost verbatim.

There had been a lot to think about, a lot to pray about, but when she finally realized the hold the past still had over her and could give it all to God, a massive weight lifted off her. Then the excitement for Austin grew with each call announcing another win, another step closer to earning the title. That’s when she threw everything to the wind. She talked to her director at the clinic, the people whose property she stayed on, and several co-workers to see if they could cover her shifts and even help out at the property she lived on. Somehow, it all came together, and Beth and Vic were able to pick her up at the airport and get her here just in time.

“What are you smiling about?” Austin asked, as he smoothed a last stroke on Buckley.

“Just that God really knows how to pull things off, doesn’t He?” She told him the story of how she got here as he put things away and then came to stand next to her against the fence, his fingers trailing on her palm, making it difficult to concentrate.

“He does make mountains move to help us when we’re in alignment with Him, that’s for certain.” Austin searched her eyes, his finger now caressing her face. “Thank you for being here.”

“You’re welcome,” she said, heat filling her cheeks, though she was unsure why she suddenly felt shy around him.

“I mean it. It means so much to me.” He leaned in and planted a slow, sweet kiss on her lips. “You know what, though?”

“What?” She sighed a fully content sigh, so grateful to see him happy and almost stress-free.

“That’s why I’m not worried about the hows.”

“What?” Her brow furrowed as she tried to follow him.

He pulled her hand into his and traced the lines of her palm. “I mean, God has put all of this together. He’s behind us. So, I’m not going to worry about how we’re going to make this work. I’m just going to have faith that it will.”

A shiver washed over her, leaving her skin awash in goosebumps. “Whoa,” she said, unsure of what else she could say. The transformation in Austin was incredible. He was still the same man she knew and loved, but this newfound trust in God somehow made him even more attractive. “I’m really impressed.”

Austin chuckled. “Well, it wasn’t said to impress you.” He wrapped his fingers around hers and turned to face her squarely. “I guess I’m asking…can you stand with me in that faith?”

If she hadn’t already faced her fear and her lack of full forgiveness, she might not have been able to answer so confidently. Since she had, she knew Austin was right. God had brought them back together and made things happen to ensure that they stayed that way. How could she not trust Him in this? “Yes,” she said, squeezing his hands and bringing them to her chest. “I can stand with you in that faith.”

His smile was slow, growing incrementally from a twitch to a full-blown grin, until he seemed to beam with happiness. “I am so glad to hear that.” He brought her into his arms, holding her close against his chest where the rapid beating of his heart slowed to a steady pulse, one that her own heart joined until they beat as one.

Nothing stood between them now, and she prayed that nothing ever would. However life worked out. Whatever solutions they found, they would do it together, and that knowing made her feel complete in a way she hadn’t felt before…not even the first time they were together.

Adam ran down the aisle toward them. “You haven’t heard, have you?” Adam practically bounced as he met them, his hands pumping with the need to release his news.

“Heard what?” Austin flipped the collar back on his jacket and lowered a hand to pull Charlotte off the fence to stand with him.

“What place we got…you’ve been off in your own little world, but…” Adam stopped and smiled widely.

“But what?” Austin asked.

Charlotte understood the excitement that bubbled over from Adam and she squeezed Austin’s hand. “I…I think you won…”

Austin looked down at her, his intense green eyes pouring into her. “I have won.”

“No, I mean…,” she looked at Adam, who still bounced from one foot to the other, “I think you won Nationals!”

“We won, bro!” Adam fisted the air with a loud whoop that startled the horses around them. “We won Nationals! We did it!” He grabbed Austin up in a bear hug and let him go abruptly. “Come on, we gotta tell Mama and Pops!” He took off at a run, stopping after a few steps to turn back with impatience. “Let’s go!”

Charlotte giggled and yanked on a stunned Austin’s hand, pulling him behind Adam. “Come on, Mr. Nationals Champion! We got to make Pops’ day!”

Sharing in the joy of his win filled Charlotte’s heart, and she was so glad that she was here to celebrate it with him. She would have been miserable if she had been halfway across the country rather than in his arms, smiling in pride for him.

They spent the rest of the afternoon locked together. Sometimes they would talk with their friends, who eyed their clasped hands with winks and cheerful grins, sometimes they walked along the trail, just the two of them, and talked about all that had led them back together. They spent time with Pops and Mama, avoiding questions of the future with a secret smile of knowing between them. There was no way Austin couldn’t stay for the awards ceremony, and they planned to join the huge celebration afterward with his family and all of his friends.
