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Sleep had not come easily last night. He knew Charlotte had given him the cold shoulder. Her response and exit made it quite clear she didn’t want to see him again, though she didn’t go against her trainer’s acceptance of his invitation. The only hope he had was when their eyes met…that same intensity that had always been between them was still there. She felt it, too. He knew she did.

“You’re going to wear out the floor, bro.” Adam’s sleepy voice came muffled through the accordion door of his bedroom. “Is the sun even up?”

“Yes, lazy bum, the sun is up, and the horses are probably hungry, so I’ll take my pacing outside.” Austin tugged on his boots and grabbed a light flannel.

“Hold your horses. I don’t expect you to do my chores,” Adam mumbled.

“Since when?” Austin asked, but his lips twitched into a semblance of a smile. “I guess we’ll see if you get there quick enough this morning.”

Austin stepped out of the trailer, letting the door close behind him, and breathed in the crisp morning air. He loved the mountain rodeos with the cool mornings and the scorching afternoons. You never had the chance to become too tired of one temperature. Cowboys were generally early morning risers, and many people already milled about the parking lot, traveling to the stalls or taking walks along the trails nearby. Some even used this quieter time to train in the practice arenas. He stopped to watch a few of the calf ropers doing just that. A tug of longing reminded him of the absence of his good friend, Cody. Since he had married that gal and adopted Wylie, he only competed at the rodeos near him.

Next month, he’d be in California, near Cody’s new home. Maybe his old friend would be there. He pulled out his phone, deciding to not leave it to chance, and sent a quick text to Cody asking if he’d be at that rodeo. As he pushed off the railing and headed into the stables, he almost turned down the H aisle, but stopped himself short, fearing it would tempt fate. The last thing he wanted to do was give her a chance to back out of celebrating with him tonight.

Of course, it wouldn’t be just them… Her trainer, what was her name…Emilia, that was it, would be there too. He had to thank her since it was she who actually accepted the invite, and he had a feeling she’d make sure that Charlotte was there. He’d bring along Adam. Austin scratched his chin as he went down the aisle where Buckley greeted him with a whinny. Adam was good with the ladies, charming, easy-going, and a skilled conversationalist. Not like his stuck in the mud brother… Austin grunted, but it was the truth. He had never been much for conversation or flirting with the girls.

He greeted Buckley, giving the horse a brisk rub on his neck and behind his ears, just as he liked it. Then he absentmindedly poured him some grain and gave him a couple of flakes of hay. They didn’t have to compete today, so the horse could eat whatever he wanted. He even took out one of the apples he had stashed in his pocket before leaving the trailer.

Turbo nosed over, sniffing the sweet fruit.

“Yeah, buddy, I brought you one, too,” he said, holding the other one for Turbo to munch down.

“Morning, sweetie.” His mama’s voice had him spinning.

“Hey, Mama,” he said, wiping his grimy hands on his pants and hugging her. “Everything alright?”

“Oh, I think so. I just saw you coming to feed, so I thought I’d get a little time with you. Pops is still snoozing away.” She smiled, but not fully, and the lines of stress between her eyes were deep.

“What is it, Mama?” Austin gave her his full attention, his heart hammering as he did.

“Oh, it’s nothing really. He’s just…more tired than usual. I think he should see the doctor, but he won’t even consider it until after you guys get your seat finalized for Nationals.” She shrugged. “It’s probably nothing. We are getting older, after all.”

“I’ll take him down to urgent care right now, if that’s what he needs.” Austin stepped toward her, fear coiling in his guts. “Rodeos can wait. It’s not the end of the world if we don’t make Nationals this year.”

His mama smiled, that sweet smile she gave him whenever she was overcome with a mother’s love. He’d seen it often, and it always warmed him, making him feel like everything would be okay.

“Well, you can try, sweetie, but I’m hoping it’s not that urgent. Maybe he just needs more vegetables.” She laughed a little forcibly, but the sigh afterward sounded so much more at ease. “I actually feel a lot better after sharing it.”

“Well, I was gonna talk to you today, anyway. He’s seemed off…so I thought something might be going on.” Austin furrowed his brow, not wanting to think about what would happen to them without his stepfather’s steadfast presence.

“Don’t worry, sweetie. I’m sure he’ll be alright. He’s a healthy, strong man.” She patted his arm.

“The strongest,” Austin said.

“Well, we’re looking forward to going back to that steakhouse tonight to celebrate.” She smiled, and Austin’s face fell. “You made other plans?”

“No, well, yes, well…” As Austin fumbled with words, his brother ambled down the aisle to them.

“Charlotte’s here,” Adam said, giving Mama a hug in greeting. “He’s been a nut case since he found out and even nuttier since he talked with her. Thank goodness he didn’t see her until after our competition.”

“You talked with Charlotte?” Mama’s mouth dropped slightly. “How did that go?”

Austin glared at Adam but dropped his eyes quickly, knowing that he would have had to tell her eventually. She had been the only one not eager to see him break things off to focus on the rodeo, though she never judged him for it; only a sad lilt to her voice anytime they spoke of Charlotte clued him in.

“Not great,” he said, picking up a brush and turning toward Buckley. He couldn’t look at his mama as he thought about what had happened. He knew she’d read his emotions…every one of them.

“Uh, no details?” Mama prompted.

“I finally got to apologize,” he said.
