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“I can’t stay.”

“And you think we’re going to let you go?”

“Yes, it was a once-off.”

“What part of coming inside your body twice with no protection says it’s once-off, Paisley?”


“We love you. We haven’t been with a woman since we became your guardians because we were too busy making sure you didn’t go and marry some other bastard that we would have to kill to get rid of. If we couldn’t have you, no one else could.”

“You love me?” She must be dreaming.

“Yes. With everything inside us, Paisley. Keeping our hands off you was the hardest thing we’ve done.”

“Until you sent that invite, and then there was nothing holding us back.”

“How did you know it was me?”

“That little beauty spot on your thigh.”

“What? How?” she asked stunned.

“The only time we saw you in a bikini. When you were swimming with Hannah.”

“You looked at me? But you saved Hannah that day. She’s your soulmate according to every romance novel I read. You saved her life. Three times.”

“What? We saved her because you liked her. We did it for you. We love you, woman. Every part of you. Forever. Again, if we couldn’t have you, we were prepared to be your guardians for life. We’d probably die from blue balls, but fuck, just being around you, smelling your perfume...”

“You love me as in you love me?” Had she suddenly become stupid or what?

“We love you, as in, we’re going to marry you, Paisley, and put babies in you. Clear enough for you?”

Tears welled in her eyes. They loved her. They wanted to marry her. She dropped her shoes and ran into their arms.

“I love you,” she whispered, kissing their stupidly handsome faces. She was never letting them go.


Six months later

It turned out Jesse was actually Paisley’s true BFF after all. She may have a six-kid lead, but Paisley wasn’t going to be far behind her. Not with three husbands to her name now and three husbands who could barely keep their hands off her for longer than a few minutes.

She wasn’t complaining. She had waited her whole life for this fairytale happy ending, despite her meet-cute, which was her basically telling them she would jump off a cliff before she listened to them as her guardians. Not glamorous, but somehow it worked.

She was already six months pregnant with their first baby. Benjamin, David, and Jackson hadn’t wasted a minute marrying her. But she still got the wedding she wanted, which was small, intimate, and joyous.

As for Hannah, she was engaged to a guy—just one guy—who adored her, and she adored him.

Paisley always thought she was going to be old and alone with her cat, but now she was going to be old with three husbands, her cat, and a bunch of kids and be in love until the end of time.

