Page 28 of Unplanned

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“No one’s coming to help you, Autumn. You’re a pathetic waste of space who I should’ve killed when I was pregnant. You are going home where you belong and Nolan will be marrying you tomorrow morning. You can’t claim kidnapping when I’m going to prove you’re not mentally fucking stable to make your own decisions. The paperwork is already being filed with my lawyer and soon I’ll own you. Well, Nolan will. But you won’t have your money or anything else. It will all be mine,” she screams in my face as she continues to hit me. Now my mother adds in kicking me to the mix as I’m left on the floor and trying to curl up to protect my stomach.

“What the fuck are you doin’?” I hear yelled from somewhere in the distance. “You stupid fuckin’ bitch!”

I’m not sure who comes to my rescue, but my mother is soon pulled off me and there are hands on my body. Blackness is filling my vision as I try to keep my eyes open so I know what’s going on. There’s no way I can though. I’m being quickly pulled under as the bell for the door sounds and I hear my uncle’s voice.

“Janice, this is the last fuckin’ straw. You’re done. I will personally make sure the police here send you to prison and you rot there for the rest of your miserable fuckin’ life. You’re no longer part of Autumn’s life and she’s got my protection along with that of my sons. Tony is already on his way since he personally wanted to deal with you. Seems you believe you’re still above the law and you’re about to be proven wrong,” Tank says as his voice continues to fade away and I sink deeper into oblivion.

Chapter Nineteen


I’VE JUST FINISHED working out with my dad when my phone starts vibrating in the pocket of my shorts. Pulling it out, I see Venom’s name on the screen. He’s been leaving me alone for the most part, but I’m not about to ignore him. Not when something could be going on that he needs help with. No matter what I’m personally going through, I’ll never ignore my President or anyone else in the club. At the end of the day, they are my family and I’ll always be there for them.

“Venom, what’s goin’ on?” I answer my phone as my dad walks up to me.

“Need you at the garage, Brick. Right. Fuckin’. Now,” Venom barks out as a loud commotion sounds in the background.

I can hear a woman screeching and the sounds of something slamming against the wall or floor. There’s screaming and yelling so loud and muffled I can’t make out what’s being said.

“What the fuck is goin’ on over there?” I question, thoughts of something being wrong with Autumn automatically filling me.

“Autumn was attacked. You’re hearin’ her cunt of a mother bein’ restrained until Tony gets here. She’s already tryin’ to get away so she doesn’t have to face the consequences. We’ve got an ambulance on the way for Autumn. She’s unconscious and we can’t wake her up. Tank is here with her along with Ghost. Get the fuck here if you ever want to start to repair the damage you’ve done,” Venom orders me before hanging up.

“Cole, what’s goin’ on? You just went completely pale,” my dad asks me, putting his hand on my shoulder as I remain motionless. “Brick!”

Shaking my head, I look at my dad as panic and fear war for dominance in my body.

“Autumn. Attacked. Ambulance,” I barely manage to get out.

My dad doesn’t need to hear anything else. He grabs my arm and drags me from the gym while yelling something to the guys working here today. I’m led to his truck and tossed into the passenger seat before the door is slammed shut. My dad jumps in the driver’s seat and we take off. I can’t tell you anything about the ride or anything as I black out while being completely awake. It’s as if my mind has completely blanked and can’t focus on anything other than the panic and fear.

“Cole, let’s get inside. We don’t know what’s goin’ on, but the ambulance is about to pull in. Go see Autumn before they get her loaded up inside and it’s a long time before you can see her,” my dad says, his voice louder than normal to get my attention.

Jumping out of the truck after shaking the fog from my mind, I head straight inside the office. At first I don’t see Autumn. It’s not until I look down that I spot her. I come to a complete stop as I take in her prone body curled up in a ball with Tank on one side of her and Ghost on the other. Hawkeye is standing at the end of her to protect her from any possible threats coming at her. I look further back into the office to see Riggs and Kevlar holding Autumn’s mother. She’s glaring at her daughter and shouting every demeaning thing she can think of while trying to fight out of the hold restraining her.

“You’re fuckin’ lucky I don’t hit women,” I tell her, staring into her eyes so she can see the truth of my words. “If I have my way, you’ll be buried in a shallow grave so you can’t ever taint this world with your shit again. Shut the fuck up!”

“You can’t talk to me like that,” she screams at me while trying to lunge to attack me.

“I can do whatever the fuck I want. I’m not the one about to be arrested. That’s you. Shut the fuck up. Or don’t. I really don’t care. Everything you say and do is being recorded so we don’t need Autumn to testify against your bitch ass. The cops and court will have everything they need. Along with the previous evidence of you showin’ up here to get to Autumn. And you bein’ specifically told to leave her alone,” I grit out, turning my full attention on Autumn and crouching down next to Ghost. “Has she woken up at all?”

“No. There’s blood under her head and a nasty lump. I’m guessin’ she hit her head when she was yanked out of the chair. We don’t know what all was said or happened before Ghost ran in here after hearin’ her scream. We’ll have Goose go through the footage and make sure it gets to Tony,” Tank informs me as the sirens sound from right outside.

“Everyone clear the fuck out. I want Riggs and Kevlar to remain where they are and don’t let that bitch go. The rest of you, move the fuck outta the way so we can get Autumn to the hospital. The quicker she gets there, the quicker she can get checked over. There’s two main concerns regardin’ her right now and we all know what they are. Fuckin’ move,” my dad shouts, moving people out of his way after propping the door open for the paramedics.

In a matter of minutes, the paramedics and Tony rush into the office. There’s hardly any room for anyone to move or get out of the way. Ghost and Venom talk to Tony while Tank and I remain with Autumn. She still hasn’t woken up or made any movements. If I didn’t physically see her chest rising and falling, I would almost believe she were dead right now. That thought shoots nothing but fear and guilt through me. I can’t keep pushing her away the way I have been. Today is a massive lesson in how short life can be and just how quickly things can change. I’m not about to let this shit go on for any longer.

We’ve been at the hospital for hours and haven’t been allowed to go back and see Autumn at all. I rode in the ambulance with her and she didn’t wake up at all. No matter what the paramedics did, she didn’t move a single muscle. I made sure to tell them she’s pregnant but I don’t know how far along she is or anything. The second the ambulance parked and unloaded Autumn from the back, I was escorted to the waiting room where I was handed a stack of forms to fill out. The amount of information I don’t know about Autumn truly hit home when I couldn’t fill anything out. This is all shit I’ll have to ask her and fill in once she’s conscious and can talk to us.

Ghost has been at my side since I got in the waiting room. He let me know someone called Doc in to come take over her care and no one else is to touch her until Doc gets here. I know that’s not going to happen since we don’t know what’s wrong with her, but Doc won’t make her wait to get treated. Not knowing she’s pregnant. At least that’s my hope. Doc hasn’t ever let us down in the past and she has a soft spot for Autumn.

Ghost and I sit on our own as everyone else from the garage, my dad, and Tank fill the waiting room. It’s only a matter of time before everyone else starts showing up. I don’t speak to anyone as I hold the forms in my hand and wait to find out what the fuck is going on. My leg bounces as nerves and fear continue to fill me. Ghost doesn’t look as if he’s doing any better than I am.

“We need to make this right, Ghost. Today is doin’ nothin’ but showin’ we never know what’s gonna fuckin’ happen. I don’t remember leavin’ the gym or anythin’. Autumn deserves so much better than what we’ve fuckin’ given her so far. How the fuck do we make somethin’ like this right?” I ask my best friend as my dad and Tank take seats across from us.

“First, you sit down and have a fuckin’ conversation with my niece,” Tank states, his voice cold and deadly as he stares at us. “Then you fuckin’ show her you’re all in if that’s your decision. If I think for a fuckin’ second that you’re playin’ games with Autumn, I’ll take her and your child out of here so fuckin’ fast and you won’t ever see her again. Do you fuckin’ understand me?”

“Yes. I’m so fuckin’ stupid. I thought havin’ an ol’ lady and family would paint a target on their back and they’d be hurt because of me. Instead, Autumn has a target because her mother is a greedy bitch and she doesn’t know the meanin’ of doin’ anythin’ on her own. If I ever see her again, I’m gonna lock her in the cells and make sure someone takes care of her. Summer might be willin’ to come get her hands dirty for this situation,” I state, my eyes on the floor at my feet.
