Page 1 of Gilded Dove

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My shoulders slump as I look at yet another woman’s confused face. “I’m really sorry. I thought I knew you.”

She smiles and her eyes run down my body, bold as fuck. “That’s alright. Maybe we could get to know each other,” she purrs.

Once upon a time I might have taken her up on that suggestion. Might have enjoyed her hungry, sultry brown eyes on mine. Enjoyed living out all the filthy, dirty thoughts I can see running around her golden-blond head.

Now’s not that time though. Not since I first saw her.

“No, thank you. I’ve got an appointment.” And with that I walk away from yet another pretty girl that’s just not her.

Stella Murray. The girl that’s way too young for me and yet I don’t give a fuck. The girl that was my dream for three and a half years of torturous, sweaty sessions in my bedroom at home fucking my hand. The girl with the cloudy gray eyes and silky, golden-blond head that glowed like spun silk every time that little shaft of sunlight hit it. Sunlight that formed a halo around her beautiful head while I stared at her in class and wished she was mine. Wished time would hurry the fuck up so that I could finally claim what’s been mine since I first laid eyes on her.

The girl that disappeared from campus before I finally got my chance with her. That’s haunted me for a year now while I’ve been searching for her. Needing to find her and make sure she’s alright. Woo her properly and make her mine. Fuck her until this insane need and raging lust calms down and I can finally think again, breathe again, feel again. Until I’m finally me again.

Yeah…she broke me. I’m not even me anymore. I quit my job and I’ve hired private investigators trying to find her.

Turns out…there’s a helluva lot of Stella Murrays out there. But so far not one of them is mine.

I stumble off and find a park bench to collapse on, breathing deep and hoping that I find her soon before I completely lose my mind. I’m not going to run out of money and I know that I’ll never stop looking for her even if I do. Right now, my only worry is that I’ll turn into a complete idiot before I run across her and when I do find her, I’ll just haul her up in my arms, kiss the hell out of her and drag her up onto a mountain somewhere where nobody can find her and take her away from me.

I suck in a deep breath and let it out slowly, my fingers curling into my palms so hard that I can feel them biting into my skin. I shove the little sting of pain down and fight to keep from losing my mind.

I shake my head when I see another golden-blond head of hair in a messy bun walking up the path, her plump ass jiggling in a pair of yoga pants that don’t hide one single dimple of flesh under the thin fabric.

I push the insane urge to go grab her out of my head. I’m an idiot. This woman is pushing a baby stroller. She’s someone’s wife.

But I can’t make my damn mind shut off and before I can think, I jump up from that hard bench and lunge up the trail like a damn hunting dog out to tree a possum or something.

I’m almost to her and I can smell her soft scent on the warm breeze, can almost taste the disappointment on my tongue. Because I know it won’t be her and I’ll be stuck in this horrific loop again. Anxiety, hope, disappointment. Lather, rinse and repeat over and over again. If only there wasn’t something so familiar about her that makes that stupid hope in my heart rise.

I reach out a hand and grasp her smooth golden skin, a jolt of electricity slamming into me, zipping up and down my arm and waking my dick up, ripping a growl out of my clamped-shut mouth.


A soft gasp and she stills but refuses to turn around. I know it’s her though. No other woman has ever made me react like this. No woman ever will.

Anger roars in me, welling up and attempting to force its way out of my mouth.

She finally turns around when I snarl under my breath and I gasp. Rainshower eyes swollen with tears, pretty pink lips pouty and begging for forgiveness. More curves than she even had before she disappeared. Thick thighs, heavy breasts that lift with every quick, panted breath as she stares at me.

“Professor Rhodes?” She sighs and her voice makes me shudder.

I shake my head, clearing out the smoke and haze of lust. “Call me Max.” Because she’s gonna scream that name out soon as I brand her with my cum.

A tiny, thin wail drags my attention away from my goddess, my woman, and I glance down in frustration, shock stiffening my body.

Rainshower gray eyes and golden-blond, downy hair.

My gaze shifts quickly back to a flushed Stella and she glances away from me immediately.

“What have you been doing, little one?” And who do I have to kill because they touched what’s mine.
